Computer Automated Hydrologic Data Acquisition
A computer automated hydrologic data acquisition system has been developed to support field monitoring of rainfall, streamflow, groundwater and conductivity. The basic system involves...

Managing Water Shortage by Regional Cooperation and Conservation
In the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area, water emergencies becoming more frequent events because of increases in water demand and lack of new supply additions. The water supply problem...

Savannah River Basin Drought Contingency Planning
Beginning in 1986, and continuing through the present time, the worst drought in recent history created severe water shortage conditions over extensive areas of the southeastern United...

Urban Stormwater Runoff Management
Local land use regulations managing stormwater runoff in new urban developments are the most practical and effective method to control pollutants in urban stormwater runoff or prevent...

Development of the Hydrology Criteria Manual for Harris County, Texas
The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) was created in 1937 with the primary objectives of reducing potential damages from flooding in the Harris County area and of providing...

Hydrologic Methodology for Evaluating Urban Development
It is recommended that a hydrologic methodology be utilized that contains sufficient parameters to enable the user to evaluate the impact of the changes to the watershed resulting from...

Impact of Detention Storage on Main Stream Flooding
The methodology, results and management implications are presented for a stormwater study at an urban watershed experiencing periodic flooding along the main channel. Local data were collected...

Flood Warning Systems as a Means for Reducing Urban Flood Losses
This paper describes the potential effectiveness of flood warning systems in reducing loss of life. The paper describes the problems associated with urban flood warning systems (or lack...

Perspectives on Irrigation/Drainage Education and Training
The Task Committee on Water Resources Education and Training (TCWRE) was organized in 1985 for the purpose of conducting an opinion survey to assess the adequacy of current education and...

Potential Non-Traffic Benefits from a New Highway
The State of Delaware is now in the design/build phase of a major north-south relief highway. Expedient action included an Environmental Impact Statement adequate to show that the project...

Water Resources Planning for the San Antonio Region
Water resources planning for the San Antonio region begins with the physical setting and the technical considerations - the science and engineering aspects. It proceeds to the economic...

Conflict Resolution in Regional Water Management
The experience with environmental dispute resolution (EDR) at South Florida Water Management has been largely one of changing the operating premises regarding the agency's...

Strategies for Planning Metropolitan Water Supplies
Metropolitan growth and increased concerns for water quality and environmental impacts have created challenges for the provision of water supplies within metropolitan areas. The paper...

Computer Control of Water Systems: Practical Considerations
Presented are some applications projects and procedures concerned with modeling and control of water supply and distribution systems. The work has resulted in the development of a suite...

Computer Support for TVA's Reservoir System Operations: Hardware
The current computer systems in use at TVA for hydrologic data collection and modeling are approaching ten years old. A study is in progress to determine the computer systems needed to...

Computer Support For TVA's Reservoir System Operations: Software
In the early 1980's, the Tennessee Valley Authority implemented its Water Resources Management Information (WATREMAIN) system to provide support for operation of its integrated multipurpose...

Development of the Hydro Optimization Management System at Alabama Power Company
Alabama Power Company is an electric utility serving most of Alabama with a generation mix of 65% coal, 18% nuclear, and 17% hydro. A total of 1682 MW hydro generation comes from 14 plants...

OMADSS?Operations and Maintenance Advanced Decision Support System
This paper presents a summary of the development of a prototype advanced decision-support system for operation and maintenance of dams and irrigation facilities. To set the development...

Multi-Purpose, Multi-Reservoir Simulation on a PC
The methodology and difficulties in converting a large, general purpose, mainframe, batch oriented computer program (for reservoir simulation) to work effectively in the PC environment...

An Emerging Application of Microcomputers in Water Control
Plans being developed at the Corps' Hydrologic Engineering Center propose a gradual transfer of water control support from minicomputers to a network of microcomputer workstations....





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