Pipe Network Analysis and Design in Developing Regions. Case Study: Novokuznetsk, Siberia
Pipe network analysis, design and optimization in developing countries poses some unique problems, yet, is of paramount importance. Under these conditions, there is frequently only sparse...

Periodic Variation in Karst Stream Losses
A cave taking water from an ephemeral stream periodically reroutes surface and subsurface drainage because of a plug that forms 10 m below the main entrance to the cave. The plug of sand,...

Infiltration Properties at Two Sites in the Konza Prairie
The spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties that govern infiltration were investigated at a pristine site and an agricultural site in the Konza Prairie Research Area of east-central...

Aquifer Transmissivity Computations Based on Data from Pump-and-Treat Facilities
Contamination from petroleum hydrocarbons spilled from USTs is a concern in urban areas that depend on shallow unconfined aquifers for their water supply. Studies on the transmissivity...

Preliminary Studies of a Karst Warm Spring in Mt. Kr?uterin, Austria
A warm spring occurs at the west foot of Mt. Kruterin, characterized by relatively higher temperature (17.4?C) and sulfate concentration (162 mg/L) against with the regional background...

Health Risk Sensitivity to Variable and Uncertain Parameters
A methodology is presented that attempts to quantify the effects of individual variability and parameter uncertainty in a groundwater-driven health risk assessment. Two modeling approaches...

Regional Groundwater Management with Health Risk Assessment
A regional groundwater system may have several areas which are contaminated with organic chemicals. In general, the objective of groundwater management is to supply the demand for water...

Critical Needs for Sustainable Water Resources: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Implementation
This presentation will summarize the key findings of the workshop, as synthesized and prioritized by a Steering Committee composed of multi-disciplinary experts in water and environmental-related...

Plans for Testing and Evaluating the New Autoventing Turbines at TVA's Norris Hydro Project
As part of TVA's Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's...

The Importance of Water Depth for Sparger Performance
As part of TVA Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's Reservoir Releases...

Aeration of Reservoirs and Releases TVA Porous Hose Line Diffuser
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has developed an efficient and economical aeration diffuser design that has been installed and operated successfully at five TVA hydropower projects,...

Managing Great Lakes Water Levels: An International Partnership
During this century, the levels of two of the Great Lakes have been regulated; Lake Superior since 1921 and Lake Ontario since 1960. The regulation is directed by the International Joint...

Simulation of Regional Ground-Water Flow on a Transboundary Flowline; Trans-Pecos, Texas and Chihuahua, Mexico
A two-dimensional, steady-state, cross-sectional model was used to evaluate boundary conditions, residence times, and potential transboundary movement along a 28 mi (45 km) flowline between...

The Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI) for Water Related Benefits Transfers
Managing our water resources requires knowledge not only of flows, water chemistry and aquatic life, but also of the various uses and economic values that humans place upon the water....

Estimation of the Probable Maximum Rainfall and Snowmelt Floods Via Physically Based Model of River Runoff Generation
Disastrous floods can be caused by unusual combinations of hydrometeorological factors and river basin conditions that have not been observed during a long observation period. The physically-based...

Accidental Situations: Application of Surface-Water Monitoring Data
Under severe manmade environmental changes, nature-protective activities serve to effectively solve a triune task: conservation and recovery of environmental ecosystems, safety of man...

System of River Floods Warning in Ukraine
The diversity of climatic, geomorphologic, and soil conditions causes significant space differences in the conditions of river flood formation in Ukraine. The Carpathians region is the...

The Use of Monitoring of Russian Water Objects for the Decrease of Disaster Consequences
The project of the United States Monitoring System for Water Resources was created. This system united the possibilities of different kinds of existed systems for observation of water...

Scour in Erodible Rock II: Erosive Power at Bridge Piers
Scour depths around bridge piers founded on erodible rock can be determined by making use of the Erodibility Index Method. This method defmes an erosion threshold by relating the erosive...

Contraction Scour at Bridges Founded on Clay Soils
With the federally mandated bridge scour program deadline of January 1997 approaching, scour evaluations are in full progress in many states around the country. A common physical situation...





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