Alternatives to End-of-Pipe Treatment
End-of-pipe treatment must be replaced by innovative, in-process changes if industrial plants are to creatively meet the upcoming 1983 EPA pollution control requirements. By-product recovery,...
New River Gorge Bridge: World's Longest Steel Arch
The world's longest steel arch bridge, spanning the New River Gorge Bridge in the south central area of West Virginia, is scheduled to be completed in Sept. 1977. The main...
Transforming a Meeting from Confrontation to Cooperation
Public meetings are frequently prescribed as part of major public works projects; unfortunately, they often become scenes of massive confrontation, rather than cooperation. What can be...
Filter Fabrics in Shore-Protection Structures: Save Money, Ease Installation
Over the past decade, plastic filter fabrics have seen growing use in shore-protection structures (e.g. revetments, breakwaters, jetties), river-bank protection schemes, and other areas...
Exxon's Offshore Platform Nearly Doubles Water-Depth Record
In 1976, Exxon erected near Santa Barbara (Los Angeles metropolitan area) the Hondo platform, in 850 ft of water. This is nearly twice the previous record depth established in the North...
Sand and Gravel � Don't Take Them for Granted
One assumes the supply of sand and gravel is inexhaustible. In fact, at certain times and places it is not. At least not at today's relatively low prices. This is particularly...
Engineering Foundation; Still Going Strong at 63
An historical review is given about the creation of the EF by Ambrose Swasey in 1914 for issuing research grants and establishing conferences. The initial endowment of $800,000 increased...
Bridge Erection by Launching is Fast, Safe, and Efficient
The construction of long prestressed concrete bridges without using formal falsework or self-supporting launching falsework is described. Using the so-called incremental launching method...
Waste Clearinghouse Promotes Recycling Efforts
Industrial waste management has emerged as a major problem for all industrial nations. The EPA recently estimated that approximately 260,000,000 dry tons of waste materials are generated...
Fast Programming on Small Calculators
A new technique presents a method of rapid programming of engineering formulas on calculators. The method minimizes debugging and documentation time. Formulas are programmed in only one...
Hydrographic Surveying Turns to Electronics
Traditional technique for measuring water depth is to use a lead-weighted line. The tag line, stretched along the water surface so soundings are made in orderly fashion, can be dangerous....
Recording River and Reservoir Water Depth
At the Kerr Reservoir on the Roanoke River in Virginia and North Carolina, reservoir bottom was surveyed before reservoir filling and twice thereafter, to determine rate of siltation....
Polymerization of Concrete Fights Cavitation
The techniques and materials used for the repair of concrete are many and varied. The repair at Dworshak Dam utilized epoxy resins, dry pack mortar, fibrous concrete and a new technique,...
Containment Aspects, Scrubber Sludge Disposal System
Containment of flue gas desulfurization sludge from a coal-fired power plant was accomplished by Dravo Corporation in an environmentally acceptable manner through the construction of an...
Concrete Bridge-Tunnel Has No Deck
Engineers solve the problem of how to economically span a single track railroad without interrupting train traffic. Highway fill was placed over post-tensioned precast concrete arch sections...
When an Engineer Employee is Wronged
The author, as head of an employee association at a large engineering organization, wrote letters to U.S. Senators and Representatives, in an attempt to prevent increased importation of...
Precast Veneer Replaced By All-Precast Structure
Utilizing engineering solutions to architectural problems greatly enhanced the architectural appearance of this building. Long-span prestressed, light weight concrete beams, post-tensioned...
EPA's New Construction Operations Review Program
Experienced construction engineers from EPA's Headquarters are now visiting numerous sewage treatment construction sites to review the quality of work being done. Behind the...
Seattle Freeway Park; A Scene of Blissful Contrasts
The Seattle Freeway Park was nominated for honorable mention for OCEA. Although not of massive scale and not dramatically innovative in civil engineering design and construction methods,...
The Hackensack Meadowlands Project
The Hackensack Meadowlands Project, which includes a stadium and a racetrack, has reclaimed from the ravages of man and nature a portion of an undevelopable marshland that is larger than...
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