On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Structures: A Mars Aerobrake Mock-up Study
As design requirements for space structures become larger in dimension, the issues of shipping and assembling these structures in space become more critical. One example of such a structure...

Ropeway Material Handling Systems for Lunar Mining Sites
The establishment of permanent lunar sites will be a requirement for future space explorations during early missions into space as well as long term. During all stages it will be necessary...

Regolith Dynamics
Due to the differences of the gravitational accelerations of the Earth and Lunar environments, geotechnical engineering must be applied differently in the two environments. This study...

Modular Robot Testbed
One approach to non-terrestrial construction involves the use of small, inexpensive, modular robots rather than expensive one-of-a-kind construction tools. The Modular Robots Testbed at...

A New Era in Space Operations
The United States has embarked on a bold new course in space. We are in the process of deploying global missile defenses which promises to help realize an extended era of international...

The Initial Exploration of Mars: Rationale for a Return Mission to Chryse Planitia and the Viking 1 Lander
The concepts behind planning a landing site on Mars are discussed. Based on the engineering constraints and the scientific objectives which will likely be imposed on the first few missions...

The Virtual Mission: A Step-Wise Approach to Large Space Missions
The new Virtual Mission concept will provide NASA's Science Program with a powerful new, 'go-as-you-pay,' flexible, and resilient way of accomplishing its science observing program. The...

Space-Based Assembly Sequence Formulation for Evaluation of Large Orbital Assemblies
The challenges associated with constructing interplanetary spacecraft and space platforms in low earth orbit are such that it is imperative that comprehensive, preliminary process planning...

ESCAPE: Small Payload Strategies
The Extreme ultraviolet Solar Contained Autonomous Payload Experiment (ESCAPE) is a small payload scheduled to fly on the Space Shuttle in April 1992. This payload has been developed at...

Advanced Construction Management for Lunar Base Construction?Surface Operation Planner
The unprecedented task of constructing a lunar base could easily overwhelm any existing terrestrial construction management system. Couple this with the overall need for lunar surface...

Architectures for Mission Control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
One of the most vital, but often overlooked, research areas for space missions is flight operations. The imbalance is caused by many factors. Among them, the manner in which space missions...

An Operational Evaluation Process for Long-Duration Mission Habitats in Space
In preparation for long-duration manned spaceflight into the 21st Century, the ergonomical and psychological aspects of space habitat architectures are being investigated in Europe. Used...

Characterization of Emplacement Strategies for Lunar and Mars Missions
In planning missions to the Moon and Mars, a significant activity will be the delivery of the crew and necessary equipment to the planet surface to enable the mission objectives. Because...

A Facility for Training Space Station Astronauts
The Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) will be the primary facility for training the Space Station Freedom astronauts and the Space Station Control Center ground support personnel....

Extraction of Potable Water from Urine for Space Applications
A regenerative technology capable of managing water and wastewater on-board long-term manned space platforms is essential if the Bush Administration's Space Exploration Initiative (SEI)...

Space Station & Lunar/Mars Life Support Research
The first part of this paper will report on the tests now being conducted by the Environmental Control and Life Suport Systems (ECLSS) at Marshall Space Flight Center. The findings of...

Pressure Suit Requirements for Moon and Mars EVA's
In this paper, we examine the influence of pressure suit and backpack designs on astronaut productivity and on the frequency with which EVA's can be conducted during lunar base operations...

Utilization of On-Site Resources for Regenerative Life Support Systems at a Lunar Outpost
Regenerative Life Support Systems (RLSS) will be required to regenerate air, water, and wastes, and to produce food for human consumption during long-duration stays on the Moon. It may...

Lunar Base Pressure, O2 Fraction, and ExtraHabitat Activity Suit Design
A major dilemma exists in determining optimum habitat and ExtraHabitat Activity (EHA) suit pressures for future space missions, balancing human safety requirements and the case of EHA...

Medical Care on the Moon
Eventually, people will return to the Moon to stay for prolonged periods of time. When they do, they will be exposed to a wide range of threats to their health including, decompression...





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