Challenges in Planning and Design of Drainage Facilities for the Orange County Toll Roads
The Orange County Toll Roads project is a program which includes three modern, high-capacity, limited access highways; the Foothill, San Joaquin Hills and Eastern Transportation Corridors....

Mission Bay Park, San Diego Sewage Interceptor System
Mission Bay Park is a major aquatic facility located in, and operated by, the City of San Diego. In response to sewer related pollution problems, the City of San Diego has embarked on...

MORE-A Multi-Objective Ranking Environment for Risk Assessment
This paper explores the development of a computerized decision support system for ranking risks due to environmental concerns. The paper begins with a brief history a comparative risk...

Totally RAD Urban Drought Management from California
The paper discusses some novel drought management measures which have arisen during the recent 4-year California drought. Many of these options are new ideas on the part of California...

Conceptual Model for Performance-Based Management of Regional Water Systems
The national shift in emphasis from top-down development plan orientation in water resources, wherein the federal government assumed the dominant role, to the shared partnership approach...

The Law of Interbasin Water Transfers in the East
Interbasin transfers are becoming a vital source of water supply in the eastern United States. The current governing water law, the common law of riparian rights, does not address interbasin...

Issues in the Use of an Expert System for Teaching
This paper describes an expert system called SYSES which has been developed at the FIDS laboratory at the University of Manitoba. SYSES is intended to be a teaching aid for undergraduate...

Application of GIS in Monitoring and Trouble Shooting of Water Distribution Systems
In this study, the suitability of Geographical Information System (GIS) to monitor water distribution systems is investigated. Although GIS applications are widespread, the use of GIS...

When to Connect Your New Supply
The use of risk analysis is important to a water utility. The economic losses to the local economy as a result of water shortages can be astronomical. On the other hand, the high rates...

Uncertainties in Planning Inter-Agency Water Supply Transfers
San Francisco Water Department, facing a possible fifth year of drought, purchased surplus water from the Placer County Water Agency and arranged for wheeling of the water through State...

Summary of the National ASCE Task Committee on Costs-Benefits of Various Design Frequencies for Urban Drainage Systems and Flood Control

Development of a Prioritization Tool for Multimedia Enforcement
This paper describes a decision support system developed for the Environmental Protection Agency that assists their staff in the prioritization of resources for the enforcement of multi-media...

Emerging Markets for System Engineering
System engineering provides a double edged sword for those involved in water resources development and management. The tools used in the analysis and development of complex water resource...

Water Supply and Sanitation Policies in Mexico
The National Water Commission (CNA), is the responsible Department for the Governmental Water Division in Mexico. Within the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program, the Commission...

Water Supply and Sanitation Strategies in Mexico
The Mexican Federal Government has started the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program. In the latter part of 1991, there will be a change concerning acceptance of projects...

Integrating Water Conservation Into Water Supply Planning
Consideration of water demand reduction strategies is increasingly important in water resources planning. Although more research is needed to improve the reliability of water savings data,...

Demand Management in New York City
The paper discusses the New York City municipal waater supply system and the various methods being utilized to reduce aggregate demand. Subjects covered include water consumption, metering,...

Experiences with Military Installation Drainage Systems
This paper presents a brief survey of experience with drainage systems found on Army bases. In addition, selected current drainage-related research topics which support Army installations...

Regional Water Supply Management in Southern New Hampshire
This paper presents the findings and recommendations of the Southern New Hamsphire Water Supply Study regarding regional water supply management in the study area. The study area includes...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Planning
A decision support system (DSS) has been developed to assist water use planners and technical staff of the Southwest Florida Water Management District in choosing appropriate supply alternatives...





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