A Framework for Integrating NPS Pollution Prevention and Optimal Perennial Groundwater Yield Planning
Water management agencies are responsible for protecting and guaranteeing the sustained availability of groundwater of adequate quality. The presented procedure helps determine water Best...

Point Precipitation Models to Simulate Water Balance at a Constructed Wetland
We compare two point precipitation models in a water balance simulation performed at a wetland constructed to treat municipal wastewater. The first precipitation model uses a simple Poisson...

Probabilistic Characteristics of Elapsed Time Between Rainfalls
The elapsed time between rainfalls is analyzed statistically using the hourly rain data at two locations: the flat-plain at Urbana, Illinois and the northwestern Appalachian foothills...

Climate Change: Is Trouble Ahead for Water Engineers?
Very long range forecasts of future global warming from 2 to 5?C have been made as a result of the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the atmosphere due to man's activities....

The Integration and Management of Ground- and Surface-Water Resources for Drought Response in New Castle County, Delaware
This paper reports on a program for the integration and management of ground- and surface-water resources for drought management purposes in the southeastern area of the Commonwealth of...

Controlled Versus Conventional Drainage Effects on Water Quality
Fertilized cropland is a nonpoint source of nitrogen and phosphorus which can contribute to nutrient enrichment problems prevalent in many surface water ecosystems. Research has shown...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Mid-Atlantic States
Agricultural drainage development in the form of drainage alone and controlled drainage-subirrigation (CD-SI) has created conflicts with environmental concerns. Most concerns the lack...

Models for Simulating Hydrology and Water Quality on Drained Soils
Design and operation of drainage and related water management systems should consider both agricultural production and environmental impacts. This is currently required in many locations...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Southeastern Coastal Plain
This paper is designed to consolidate selected research and results from investigations of the impacts of agricultural drainage on water quality in North Carolina, South Carolina, and...

Design and Management of Evaporation Ponds
The evaporation ponds in use in the San Joaquin Valley were designed and constructed to dispose of agricultural drainage water in a region of low soil permeability and high water table....

Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Agricultural Drainage Water Management
The institutional and jurisdictional framework applicable to agricultural drainage limits disposal of such flows to evaporation ponds for the foreseeable future. Originally seen as an...

Alternative Drain Water Management Options
Various options are available as alternatives to the shallow, large-sized, earthen evaporation basins that are customarily constructed for disposal of agricultural drainage water in California....

Subterranean Disposal of Irrigation Drainage Waters in Western San Joaquin Valley
Subsurface drainage waters in the western San Joaquin Valley of California are laden with selenium and other toxic elements and above-ground disposal creates a hazard problem (Letey et...

Managing Irrigation in the Presence of Groundwater
A method was developed to use lysimeter data for groundwater contribution to crop water use in the irrigation scheduling procedure for a subsurface drip irrigated field underlain by shallow...

Testing of Outlet Works Emergency (Guard) Gates Under Unbalanced Head Conditions ? Background and History
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has responsibility for ensuring the proper operation, maintenance, and safety of over 300 dams and reservoirs throughout the 17 Western States. Storage of...

Testing Outlet Works Gates and Valves at USBR Dams Under Unbalanced-Head Conditions: Tieton Dam Unbalanced-Head Gate Test
The Tieton Dam outlet works installation geometry is the most common type used in U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) earthfill dams. An emergency guard gate is located in a gate chamber...

Standards for Automated Agricultural Weather Stations
A progress report is presented on American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) Standards Project X505: Measurement and Reporting Standards for Automated Agricultural Weather Stations....

The Utah Climate Center Weather Data Network
The Utah Climate Center weather data network includes 52 sophisticated, automated weather stations. Weather parameters are monitored in real-time and hourly summarized data are gathered,...

Revision of Oregon Crop Water Use and Irrigation Requirements
A project to revise the crop water use estimates and irrigation requirements for the state at Oregon is described. The FAO modified Blaney-Criddle method was applied in this project since...

Hydrological Impacts of a California Water Transfer
Conaway Ranch, located in Yolo County, California, transferred water to the California Emergency Drought Water Bank (Water Bank) in 1991 and 1992. Water for these transfers was generated...





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