Relieving Strain on City Budget
There are no quick and easy solutions to the urban predicament. But there are a number of things that may provide some relief to the troubled cities of the Northeast and North Central...
How to Save Our Cities
Much of what needs to be done to save the city is simply for the federal government to stop doing old and expensive wrong things: forget about urban renewal and urban expressways; stop...
City Recovery: Migration
To bring about the recovery of cities will require these steps: obsolete residential areas of the city must be transformed into neighborhoods attractive enough to lure people who work...
Coping with City Shrinkage
Sooner or later, many of the older cities of the U.S. are going to have to face up to the fact their population and economic bases are shrinking. Many cities continue to display an easy...
Single Additive for Recycling Asphalt Pavements
A design concept for recycling deteriorated asphalt pavements using a single reclaiming agent has been developed. The article established guidelines to help engineers determine the physical...
EPA Launches Program to Control Hazardous Wastes
In January 1979, the federal Environmental Protection Agency will issue its long awaited guidelines on the control of hazardous wastes. These guidelines will propose a so-called manifest...
Civil Engineers are People
Historians have failed to recognize the giants among history's engineers as among our civilization's great men. Instead, great generals, politicians and artists...
450 Miles of Rail Line Mapped in Nine Months
Working under one of the largest single contracts for survey services ever awarded, two Washington, D.C. survey companies lead a group of thirteen land and aerial survey firms in mapping...
Energy Facilities Going Underground
Environmental pressures, combined with continuing development of hard-rock excavation techniques, have turned attention to the placement of major engineering facilities underground. Primary...
Minority Role Models
One reason there are so few minorities in engineering is because they have so few role models. It is difficult for today's young minority engineer�who may feel all alone....
Secret to Constructing Pittsburgh's New Busway Within Budget
The owner of Pittsburgh's new South Busway worked hard to create a climate of cooperation, good will, mutual trust, and team work among owner, consulting engineer, contractor,...
Old Roads Never Die, They are Just Recycled
The cost of repairing roads has increased as asphalt is dependent on the constantly growing price of petroleum. One answer to keeping down costs is asphalt recycling. This article takes...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1978
Proceedings Volume I
Polyphase Flow Transients Pressure Recovery Devices Intake Structures Cooling Water Systems
The papers presented in these proceedings represent a variety of disciplines from many countries. This unique jointing of three major societies has created a collection of papers with...
Proceedings Volume II
Cavitating Flows?Flow Effects on Structures Supercavitating Machinery Fluid Machinery Design
The papers presented in these proceedings represent a variety of disciplines from many countries. This unique jointing of three major societies has created a collection of papers with...
Dynamic Planning for Environmental Quality in the 1980's
Proceedings of the Urban Planning and Development Division Specialty Conference, held at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Anaheim, California, July 25-27, 1977. Sponsored by the Urban Planning...
Soil Improvement
History, Capabilities, and Outlook
This report is intended to help engineers meet the need for practical, efficient, economical, and environmentally acceptable means for improving unsuitable soils and sites, for expanded...
Transportation & Energy
Proceedings of the Urban Transportation Division Specialty Conference, held in the Rosslyn Ramada Inn, Washington, D.C., May 22-24, 1978. Sponsored by the Urban Transportation Division...
Management of Engineering of Control Systems for Water Pipelines
This report should be considered as an aide to the practicing engineer as a check list of items to be considered in the management of the engineering of control systems for water pipelines...
National Conference on Environmental Engineering
Research Development and Design
Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering Division Specialty Conference held in Radisson Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, July 10-12, 1978. Sponsored by the Environmental Engineering...
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