Thresholds in Appropriate Technologies for Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Appropriate technologies come from a variety of sources. Most, though not all, technologies are appropriate to the specific time and place in which they are developed. Some can be transferred...
Behavioral Factors in Selection of Technologies
Where a well-known technology is provided to a population that has long been acquainted with its use, the problems of predicting patterns of social behavior are relatively simple. The...
Economic Incentives and Appropriate Technology in Village Water Supply
This paper discusses the use of appropriate technology in the village water supply sector in developing countries. Appropriate technology may be defined to cover both the technical alternatives...
Tradition and Innovation in Water Use and Reclamation
Of all the arts of food production, none is older or more important than irrigation. Historical and archaeological findings show that irrigation played a major role in the development...
Simplified Water Treatment Plant Design
The building of succeeding generations of sophisticated water and waste water plants, usually containing complex and energy intensive equipment, has been one of the marks of technically...
Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...
Intermediate Service Levels in Sanitation Systems
The major alternatives to sewerage are described and their potential for application in developing countries is explored. The reasons why conventional engineering practices have led to...
Environmental Epidemiology and Sanitation
This paper reviews the key variables determining the transmission of excreta-related diseases, sets out an environmental rather than biological classification of these infections, and...
Cost-Effective Use of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Ponds
Treatment ponds are a cost-effective alternative for municipal wastewater treatment. When compared to other secondary treatment alternatives, ponds are generally the least costly, require...
Land Treatment Systems and the Environment
This paper summarizes the results from several experiments using the rapid infiltration, overland flow and slow infiltration modes of land treatment....
Systems of Waste Water Management in Europe
The history of European waste water management is briefly reviewed. Legal aspects of waste water management are presented by examples from Germany and Switzerland. International agreements...
Measuring the Effects of Man's Wastes on the Ocean
Understanding the ecological effects of municipal wastewater discharged into the ocean depends on data developed by reliable measurements. Municipal wastes are largely residential sewage...
The Place of Land Treatment of Wastewater in Today's Society
Land treatment of sewage can be a viable alternative to secondary and/or tertiary in-plant treatment. Depending on local conditions, overland-flow, low-rate, or high-rate systems, or a...
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics is the tenth in a series of Specialty Conferences sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Division (formerly the Soil Mechanics and...
Structural Design of Tall Concrete and Masonry Buildings
This is the first of the ASCE five-volume series on Tall Buildings. Though the tallest skysrapers are of steel, the majority are of concrete?? nearly 65 percent. The selection, analysis...
Pittsburgh's Troubled Bridges: What to Do About Them�
The Pittsburgh area is troubled by old bridges that are badly deteriorated. The metropolitan area has more bridges�� 1,700�� than any other. And some 66 of them have weight limits posted....
Preventing the Underground Movement of Methane from Sanitary Landfills
Alternatives for controlling methane gas migration from sanitary landfills are evaluated. The conditions leading to explosions and fires from concentrations of methane are discussed. Advantages...
$80,000 in Payoffs: An Engineer Tells His Story
A member of ASCE was told that if he wanted public work in a certain area, he would have to pay the County Engineer 25% of the project costs. The engineer decided to pay and has regretted...
County Engineer Throws the Book Away in Intersection Design and Lowers Cost 20%
Article describes the innovative design of a highway intersection that was reconstructed to relieve traffic congestion. The nearest drainage outlet was 2800-ft away and was inadequate,...
TVA Cuts Deep Slot in Dam, Ends Cracking Problem
In 1972, cracking in the concrete dam at TVA's Fontana project embarked TVA on a four-year program of investigation, analysis and repair. Thermal expansion in the downstream...
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