Isotopic Discontinuities in Ground Water Beneath Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Analytical data for stable isotopes in ground water from beneath Yucca Mountain, when examined in map view, show areal patterns of heterogeneity that can be interpreted in terms of mixing...

Distribution of Rubidium, Strontium, and Zirconium in Tuff From Two Deep Coreholes at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Variations in concentrations of trace elements Rb, Sr, and Zr within the sequence of high-silica tuff and dacitic lava beneath Yucca Mountain reflect both primary composition and secondary...

Strontium Isotopes in Carbonate Deposits at Crater Flat, Nevada
Strontium isotope studies of carbonates from soils, veins, eolian dust and Paleozoic basement sampled near Crater Flat, southwest of Yucca Mountain, provide evidence for the origins of...

An Evaluation of Evidence Pertaining to the Origin of Vein Deposits Exposed in Trench 14, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
Large vein-like deposits of calcite and opaline silica that infill the Bow Ridge fault are exposed by Trench 14 at the Nevada Test Site. The origin of the deposits has been the center...

Archaeological Program for the Yucca Mountain Site
Archaeological surveys, limited surface collections and selected test excavations in the Yucca Mountain Project Area have revealed four distinct aboriginal hunting and gathering adaptive...

Management and Research of Desert Tortoises for the Yucca Mountain Project
A program has been developed for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) to manage and study the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizi), a threatened species that occurs at low densities at Yucca...

Assessing Impacts on Biological Resources from Site Characterization Activities of the Yucca Mountain Project
An integrated impact assessment program was developed to monitor the possible effects of Site Characterization Activities (SCA) on the biological resources of the Yucca Mountain area....

The Reclamation Program for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) is required by law and other regulatory requirements to reclaim disturbances created by site characterization activities at Yucca Mountain. Because...

Characterization Uncertainty and its Effects on Models and Performance
Geostatistical simulation is being used to develop multiple geologic models of rock properties at the proposed Yucca Mountain repository site. Because each replicate model contains the...

Historical Overview of Domestic Spent Fuel Shipments?Update
The information in this paper summarizes historic data on spent fuel shipments in the United States. The data are updated periodically to keep abreast of changes. Information on shipments...

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ability of From-Reactor Casks to Geometrically Accommodate Commercial LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Department of Energy has sponsored a number of cask design efforts to define several transportation casks to accommodate the various assemblies expected to be accepted by the Federal...

Toward Linking Demographic and Economic Models for Impact Assessment
One of the objectives of the Yucca Mountain Project, in Southern Nevada, is to evaluate the effects of the development of a high-level nuclear waste repository. As described in the Section...

Payments-Equal-to-Taxes (PETT): An Interpretation of Sections 116(c) (3) and 118(b) (4) of The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as Amended
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of either the U.S. Department of Energy or of Deloitte & Touche. The Payments-Equal-To-Taxes...

Mechanical Tunnel Excavation in Welded Tuff
The Technical Review Board for the United States high-level radioactive waste facility at Yucca Mountain has recommended maximum use of 'the most modern mechanical excavation...

A First Look at Roadheader Construction and Estimating Techniques for Site Characterization at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Yucca Mountain site characterization program will be based on mechanical excavation techniques for the mined repository construction and development. Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM's),...

Dry Spent Fuel Storage in the 1990's
In the United States, for the decade of the 1990's, at-reactor-site dry spent fuel storage has become the predominant option outside of reactor spent fuel pools. This development...

Uncertainty Analysis of Preclosure Accident Doses for the Yucca Mountain Repository
This study presents a generic methodology that can be used to evaluate the uncertainty in the calculated accidental offsite doses at the Yucca Mountain repository during the preclosure...

A Decision Support System for Performance-Based Site Characterization
The complex and dynamic requirements of site characterization present a major management challenge. ParaTrac, a regulatory and technical information system, is described as a valuable...

Total-System Analyzer for Performance Assessment of Yucca Mountain
The Total-System Analyzer is a modular computer program for probabilistic total-system performance calculations. The code employs stratified random sampling from model parameter distribution...

Expert System Applications for Bridge Engineering
Expert systems (ES) are computer programs that attempt to simulate the reasoning processes and knowledge of a human expert. The particular problem of bridge analysis/design is a prime...





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