Developments of Modelling Software for Civil Engineers
The paper describes some of the recent problems in the development of software tools for civil engineers, especially software for hydrodynamic and water quality simulations for environmental...

Methodology for Validation of a Tampa Bay Circulation Model
The National Ocean Service is presently conducting the Tampa Bay Oceanography Project, including development and application of a three-dimensional circulation model to the Bay, and collection...

Field Verification of a Wave-Induced Current Model
A unique data set of nearshore waves and current measurements over a bar-trough bathymetry was collected during a field experiment at Duck, NC, in October 1990. These high-quality data...

Modeling Three-Dimensional Circulation and Sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiments, laboratory experiments, and a comprehensive three-dimensional...

Thirty Year Simulation of Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication
Eutrophication processes in Chesapeake Bay, 1959-1988, are simulated using a three-dimensional model package. Results link the volume of anoxic water to degree of stratification and to...

Passive Dispersive Transport Modelling: Comparison with Experimental Rhodamine Data in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Aiming at modelling of the complex water mass, suspended matter and pollutant transport in a tidal estuary, the ability of simulating the transport of passive, conservative tracers is...

Nowcast Protocol for the Great Lakes Forecasting System
The Great Lakes Forecasting System is a cooperative federal-university undertaking designed to implement a predictive system for each of the Great Lakes. The desired forecasts concentrate...

Model Development for Operational Use to Help Spill Combating and Sea Rescue
Based on twenty years' experience on flow velocity measurements, transport experiments and numerical modeling the three-dimensional (3D) models of water currents, transport and water quality...

A Shell Approach to Modeling Oil Spill Trajectory and Fate and Search and Rescue Operations
A shell approach is employed to facilitate the application of an oil spill trajectory and fate and search and rescue model to a wide variety of geographic areas. In this strategy the model...

A Coastal-Ocean Hindcast/Forecast Model
Flows in the coastal oceans are produced by interactions of different components: tides, winds, buoyancy discharge from estuaries, topography and remote forcing of deeper-ocean origin....

A PC Modelling System for the Simulation of Transport and Fate of Solutes and Suspended Substances
PARTICLE is a numerical computer model for the simulation of transport and fate of discharged, dissolved or suspended substances. The model is based upon the Lagrangian approach and calculates...

The Transport and Fate of Drilling Muds
The disposal of drilling muds from offshore oil platforms is of concern because of the potential effects of pollution from these muds. Both drilling muds and fine-grained bottom sediments...

Modeling Nearshore Currents in the Vicinity of the Endicott Causeway, Alaska
The Endicott Causeway connects two oil production islands on the southern side of Stefansson Sound, about 5 km offshore of the Sagavanirktok River delta, to the mainland of the Alaskan...

Frontal Dynamics and Circulation of the Upper Layer of a Fjordsystem with Complicated Topography
The impact of controlled (varying) discharge from a hydroelectric power plant on the upper layer circulation and hydrography of a fjord system is studied. The system is a fjord with two...

Continuum Model for Flows in Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Modeling of flows in tidal marshes requires modifications to the classical equations of open channel flow. In this study, the authors formulate an equivalent continuum model for tidal...

Modeling the Pathways of Nonconservative Substances in Estuaries
ELAmet is a model for nonconservative chemical transport which solves the advection/dispersion/transformation equation using a modification of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. In this paper...

Estuarine Environmental Impact Assessment Using a Three-Dimensional Circulation and Transport Model
Two case studies of estuarine environmental impact assessment using a recently developed three-dimensional circulation and transport model are presented following a brief overview of the...

Modeling Transport and Fate of Micropollutants in Coastal Waters
In order to assess rate and risk of pollution of coastal waters, attention should be given to the input of pollutants, the transport of pollutants, the transfer of pollution between water...

Circulation Modelling and Water Quality Prediction
A circulation and water quality modelling system for use in areas where horizontal transport is dominating is presented. The water quality can either be described as BOD-DO processes or...

The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience
This paper addresses the importance of the effects of baroclinicity in subtidal dynamics of a well mixed estuary, Tampa Bay. The analysis is based upon numerical simulations using a three-dimensional,...





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