Engineering Mechanics
The Third ASCE/EMD Specialty Conference is sponsored by ASCE with the Departments of Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. The theme of the conference is...
Hydraulic Destratification
(Asbtract only)...
State-of-the-Art Report on Air-Supported Structures
A structure with a structural system which is dependent on pressurization, either positive or negative, is termed a pressure preloaded structure. Most pressure preloaded structures intended...
Repair and Strengthening of Old Steel Truss Bridges
During the early 1900's, numerous pin jointed steel bridge trusses were constructed throughout the United States. In the intervening years, these trusses were replaced by...
Transportation and the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments
The use and the role of transportation control measures to satisfy the requirements of the 1977 Clean Air Act are examined. Through 34 papers and a panel discussion, six topics are covered:...
Irrigation and Drainage in the Nineteen-Eighties
Proceedings of the 1979 Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 17-20, 1979. Sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1979
ASCE Guide to History and Heritage Programs 1979
Symposium on Reaeration Research
Proceedings of the Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 28-30, 1975. Sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers....
Water Systems '79
Proceedings of the ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference, held in the University of Houston Hilton Hotel Center, February 25-8, 1979. Sponsored by...
Appropriate Technology in Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Proceedings of a session held at the ASCE National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, October 16-20, 1978. Sponsored by the Research Council on Environmental Impact Analysis of the ASCE...
Evaluation and Prediction of Subsidence
Proceedings of the International Conference on Evaluation and Prediction of Subsidence held at Casino Hotel, Pensacola Beach, Florida, January 1978. Sponsored by the American Society of...
Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
The purpose of the conference is to present and review the current state of the art of Probabilistic methods and their applications in civil engineering, with emphasis on structural and...
Symposium on Earth Reinforcement
Proceedings of the Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, held at the ASCE Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1978. Sponsored by the Committee on Placement and Improvement...
Current Geotechnical Practice in Mine Waste Disposal
Papers Collected by the Committee on Embankment Dams and Slopes of the Geotechnical Engineering Division
The purpose of this volume is to define the current state of geotechnical practice in various aspects of mine waste disposal, an area of increasing interest to the geotechnical engineering...
International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, held in San Francisco, California, August 22-24, 1977. Sponsored by the ASCE...
Legal, Institutional, and Social Aspects of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Resources Planning and Management
Proceedings of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division and ASCE Water Resources Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State...
Pipelines in Adverse Environments
A State of the Art
The Conference us designed to establish communications between designers and users. The subjects covered are: Pipelines in the Ocean - design, construction and inspection; Routing, design...
Electronic Computation
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Electronic Computation, held at the Mudd Law Building, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, August 6-8, 1979. Sponsored by the Committee...
Environmental Engineering
The topics covered are: Wastewater reclamation in the western United States; Appropriate technology for the disposal of wastewater in rural areas; Management and reclamation of solid wastes;...
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