Temporary Detention Cuts Storm Flow Peaks
In the Chicago area, ordinances require that the storm water runoff rate of a site after development be no more than it was before site development. This is because urbanization is often...
Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas
The proceedings of the National Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas brings together the disciplines of urban stormwater management and ocean and coastal engineering....
Irrigation and Drainage
Today's Challenges
Thirty-nine papers presented at the 1980 specialty conference of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division are included. The papers are divided into 12 major topics: 1) Challenge of maintaining...
Computing in Civil Engineering
This volume contains the papers submitted for presentation at the Second Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering held in Baltimore, Maryland, from June 10 through 13, 1980. The topical...
Ports '80
Papers from twenty-three sessions of the speciality conference on energy ports and terminals are presented. The theme of the conference was Energy, Ports, Perspective, and considerations...
Urban Transportation Financing
The specialty Conference on Urban Transportation Financing examined the difficulties of providing financial support for urban transportation services that have emerged in recent years...
Civil Engineering and Nuclear Power
The objectives of the Second ASCE Conference on Civil Engineering and Nuclear Power were to provide an opportunity for North American engineers to keep abreast of current developments...
Broadening Horizons
Transportation and Development Around the Pacific
The Pacific Basin is a vast area bounded by five continents and containing thousands of islands. The result is a variety of peoples and cultures, giving rise to a multitude of urban planning...
Environmental Engineering
The 1980 National Conference on Environmental Engineering was sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering in cooperation with Manhattan...
Symposium on Watershed Management 1980
Making Watershed Management Work is the theme of the 1980 Symposium of the ASCE Watershed Management Committee, Irrigation and Drainage Division. In response to this theme, the papers...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
Fracture in Concrete
Proceedings of a session at the ASCE National Convention held in Hollywood, Florida, October 27-31, 1980. Sponsored by the Committee on Properties of Materials of the ASCE Engineering...
Preprints of Conference Proceedings of ASCE Convention and Exposition, Portland, OR, 1980
The preprints were provided for the purpose of convenient distribution of information at the convention. Both author and subject indexes are provided in the beginning of volume 80_001-80_040....
Preprints of Conference Proceedings of ASCE Convention and Exposition, Hollywood, FL, 1980
The preprints were provided for the purpose of convenient distribution of information at the convention. Both author and subject indexes are provided in the beginning of volume 80_501-80_596....
1979 International Air Transportation Conference
The current state-of-the-art and future trends in air transportation are discussed. The current state of knowledge in practice and research, and communication between designers and users...
Water Conservation Needs and Implementing Strategies
For several years, water conservation has been espoused and implemented in various locations throughout the country, largely in response to the drought in the West and partially as a political...
Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings
This is the second in the ASCE five-volume Tall Building series. It is a comprehensive reference record and guide to the design and behavior of tall steel buildings. The volume is divided...
Acid Rain
Current information on acid rain is reviewed in eight papers presented at an April, 1979 session sponsored by the Research Council on Environmental Impact Analysis of the ASCE Technical...
Construction Risks and Liability Sharing
Extensive litigation, large claims, construction conflicts and long delays have been increasing at an alarming rate during the past decade the trend is unmistakable and the dollar magnitude,...
101 Uses for Earth Reinforcement
A mini-symposium on earth reinforcement held at the April 1978 ASCE national convention attracted participants from around the world; symposium papers form the basis of this paper. Methods...
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