Municipal Sewage: Three Communities Try to Cope
To meet federal clean water guidelines, New Hampshire's Winnipesaukee River Basin, the City of San Francisco, and the City of Milwaukee have to upgrade their treatment to...

Efficiences of Advanced Waste Treatment Obtained with Upgraded Trickling Filters
Many or most cities and towns, and particularly the smaller ones, still use trickling filters in their wastewater treatment plants. The process is economical and reliable, but unfortunately...

What Can be Done to Boost the Efficiency of the Civil Engineering Profession�
In view of all the talk about the declining efficiency of American business, how can civil engineering works be planned, designed, constructed, operated, or maintained more efficiently?...

Japan as Number One (Book Review)
Japan is world champ in rate of growth of productivity of its economy�� 10% a year compared with 0% currently for the U.S. Any of the reasons for this dramatically different economic performance...

Top Foreign-Born Civil Engineers Speak Their Minds
Six distinguished civil engineers born and educated abroad discuss their careers and explore: the differences in the civil engineering marketplace and in the public image of the CE here...

Workers as Managers Boost Productivity
A prime U.S. resource is the workforce. Given the opportunity, workers can improve working conditions, morale, efficiency and, as a result, boost productivity. First, though, management...

Graduating Engineers: 1930/1980
The life of a graduating engineer entering the world in 1930 is contrasted with that of 1980. Through the use of interviews, the article covers the opportunities, working conditions, salaries...

The Making of Minority Engineers
In order to increase the number of minority engineers, argues a leading educator and counselor of minority students, students must be better prepared to cope with the unfamiliar world...

Some Ideas for Reducing Subway Construction Costs
This article presents the conclusions of a major study made during the past few years of both U.S. and European practices in building subways. Among the key conclusions: Planners and designers...

Pavement Recycling Catching On
Sparked by rising prices of asphalt, aggregates, energy, and construction labor, and plagued by a decline in the real dollars available for highway and road maintenance, many highway departments...

Inspecting Dam Construction
Through and competent inspection during construction is crucial to assure dam safty. Inspection for dam construction is more important than for other types of structures because plans...

Atlanta's New Airport Terminal�One Year Early, Within Budget
At Atlanta's new airport terminal complex the landside functions (ticketing and baggage) are in a two-building complex, and the airside activities (airplane gates and waiting...

How Texas got a New Highway Plan and More Construction Dollars
Texas has a new highway system plan, a new systems approach to highway design and about $300 million a year increase in highway funds over the next 20 years. Here are two articles that...

What's Happened to the Quality of Asphalt�
After the 1973 oil embargo, state highway departments began complaning that the asphalt cement supplied by refineries did not have as before. Although the asphalt met departmental specifications,...

Tangshan Rebuilds after Mammoth Earthquake
The City of Tangshan, China was totally devastated in 1976 by a major earthquake. Over 240,000 people were killed in one of history's greatest disasters. The quake had a Richter...

Some Secrets to Building Structures on Expansive Soils
Each year, in the U.S. alone, shrinking or swelling soils inflict over $ 2.3 billion in damages to houses, buildings, roads, pipelines, and other structures. Despite this many engineers...

Timber Trestle Carries Air Force Bombers
A 12-story high timber trestle, built at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque, N.M., is the world's largest all-wood structure in terms of board-feet of timber used. Its...

Tarbela Dam�Problems Solved by Novel Concretes
While constructing the world's largest embankment dam, Tarbela in Pakistan, the designers and contractors faced unprecedented flow volumes and velocities, causing severe cavitation...

Tips for Training Workers in the Development World
In this article, a training specialist discusses some cultural and technical problems of training in the third world and some ways to develop programs that can save time and money. This...

Five Millions Square Foot Tent Roof
Saudi Arabia will soon be the site of the world's biggest roof. Consisting of a seris of modules, each overing 10.5 acres, the roof is made of tentlike fabric squares supported...





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