Alluvial Fans: Novel Flood Challenge
After disastrous floods hit Cabazon, Calif., engineers faced the challenge of balancing concerns about protecting property and life (by limiting or prohibiting construction) against the...

Asphalt: Great Expectations
A $50 million, five year research program has been proposed for research into asphalt as part of the larger ($150 million) Strategic Transportation Research Study (STRS). The research...

Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal
Waterborne commerce is a major factor in the economy of many countries. Because waterborne commerce depends on the ability of nations to provide adequate navigation channels to transport...

Measurement of Hydrographic Parameters in Large Sand-Bed Streams from Boats
This report concentrates on the state-of-the-art in the field documentation of the existing channel geometry, plus the concurrent stream flow and sediment transport characteristics, prevailing...

Recent Developments in Pavement Skid Resistance
As pavements wear, they lose some of their skid resistance. This article discusses some of the leading options for restoring a pavement's skid resistance. The possibilities...

Superplasticized Concrete Takes Off in Dallas
Some engineers are calling superplasticized concrete the most important advance in concrete technology in over three decades. Over the past four years superplasticized concrete has begun...

Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings: The Story Behind Their Rapid Growth
In 1964, pre-engineered metal buildings accounted for 24% of new non-residential, low-rise construction. By 1981, that figure had jumped to 56%. Behind that rapid growth are some very...

Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics and Their Impact on Civil Engineering Practice
The emphasis of these proceedings is on contributions and advances in the areas of solid and fluid mechanics that advance civil engineering practice. The main topic considered are, computers...

Ice and Snow Utilization in Cold Regions Construction
An overview of requirements is presented for the planning, design, and construction of roads, pads, and airfields using water, ice and snow as construction materials. Practical guidelines...

Cold Regions Earthwork
The purpose of this paper is to outline the state-of-the-practice in cold regions earthwork based on experience gained in the Prudhoe Bay area of Alaska. Material properties of fill used...

Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation
Guidlines for the evaluation and rehabilitation of sanitary sewers are presented. The purpose and scope of sanitary sewer rehabilitation is described. The major emphasis is on filtration...

Structural Lumber: An Overview of Research Needs
Structural performance of lumber is influenced by the processing steps from forest to final end-use and by the end-use environment. Research needs in processing include: 1) selection of...

Mechanical Fastening of Structural Wood Members?Design and Research Status
A brief overview is provided of the current mechanical fastening research base as background for a discussion of future research needs and priorities. A summary is presented of the current...

Heavy Timber Structures and Bridges
Development and application of treated glued-laminated timber is a landmark event in structural engineering history. The inertia of this event has produced continued, rapid and dramatic...

An Overview of Structural Panels and Structural Composite Products
Plywood has been the principal structural panel for construction since the late 1940s. Today, structural panels are evolving into products such as composite panels, oriented strand board,...

Wood Trusses and Other Manufactured Structural Components
Roof trusses, floor trusses, wood I and box beams, and glued-laminated timber are discussed. Some of the major recommendations for future research include improved analytical techniques...

Structural Analysis of Light-Frame Wood Buildings
This paper reviews the information currently available and lacking that is needed for improving design procedures. Some initial attempts at theoretical analysis of entire wood buildings...

Structural Wood Research
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Timber is an abundant and renewable natural resource and its use exceeds all other construction material. Structural wood represents a challenge of vast dimensions and attention to various...

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further...

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided...





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