The ABC'S (and Q) of Cold-Formed Steel Design
Cold-formed structural members are steel components that have been put into their cross-sectional shape by cold bending of flat sheets. Local compressive buckling must be carefully considered...
Design and Construction of World's Tallest Free-standing Fiberglass Stack
The design, fabrication and erection procedures are discussed for a 170-ft free-standing fiberglass reinforced plastic exhaust stack-scrubber system. Advantages and disadvantages in the...
The Basics of Buying Microcomputers
The first article in the CE Computing Basics series, this article is a primer for first-time buyers, with some of the pitfalls of buying a first system described and some terms defined....
From Field to Map�Untouched by Human Hands
After a few years of experience with computerized surveying systems, surveyors are finding that increased efficiency and accuracy are justifying capital expenditures. Several users of...
Jersey Drought Hastens Water Supply Project
As 1980 ended, water supply reservoirs in northern New Jersey were perilously low, causing the governor to declare a water emergency and insist on water rationing. Although the Round Valley...
General Principles for the Stability Design of Metal Structures
The Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) Technical Memorandum No. 5 is explored; this memorandum includes the general principles that form the bases of various SSRC recommended...
Will Nuclear Power Survive in New England
Presently, New England is among those U.S. regions most committed to nuclear power, with one-third of its electric power coming from the atom. The most pressing task is for the region...
Why Bother with Historic Preservation�
Two case histories are examined regarding old dams that were preserved because of their historic importance, as well as their practical use. One example concerns a dam that was exposed...
Improving the Civil Engineering Profession: Essay Contest Winners
In the October, 1980 issue, Civil Engineering�ASCE announced an essay contest on the following questions: How can the civil engineering profession be improved? How can civil engineering...
Japanese Tunnel Design: Lessons for the U.S.
The Japanese construction industry has a great deal to offer regarding designs, methods, and procedures that can efficiently overcome the tough physical and environmental constraints encountered...
Groundwater Contamination by Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Causes and Prevention
Groundwater contamination by chlorinated hydrocarbons is becoming a major problem to public water suppliers and private homeowners who have their own wells. The chemical background, composition...
U.N. Launches International Water Decade; U.S. Role Uncertain
Over 13 million children die in developing countries annually, and a key factor in many of these deaths is the lack of both drinking water and safe human-excreta disposal. Two-thirds of...
Crisis in Engineering Education
The engineering education system has fallen into considerable disrepair at a time when there is record demand for engineering graduates. With an emphasis on the civil engineering field,...
Programming a Desk-Top Computer
The second article in the computer series instructs engineers how to write a simple program for a small computer in their own offices. The instructions follow a program step-by-step, and...
Hazardous Waste Management in California: Lessons for the U.S.
California has what many say is the best hazardous waste management program in the U.S. In fact, the Federal government used the California program as the basis for a national plan for...
Hazadous Wastes Should be Destroyed by Incineration�Not Stored in Landfills; Cement Kilns Could do the Job
Presently, it is common practice to place in landfills various hazardous wastes. Yet, say some experts, landfilling these wastes is a mistake. Landfilling is not final disposal, but merely...
Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....
Improving the Civil Engineering Profession: Essay Contest
In the October, 1980, issue, Civil Engineering�ASCE announced an essay contest on the following questions: How can the civil engineering profession be improved? How can civil engineering...
Stadium Completed Night Before Game
Construction problems with a major addition to the Clemson Memorial Stadium in Clemson, S.C., halted construction for four months. In order to make up the time, the design firm had to...
Better Ways to Finance Stormwater Management
A lack of adequate funds is the principal impediment to local governments in developing stormwater management programs. Several municipalities in the U.S. assess user charges to be paid...
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