Computing in Civil Engineering
Ninety-five of the papers submitted for presentation at the first International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (1981) are presented. The papers are organized into 22 areas:...
Environmental Engineering
Eighty-nine of the papers presented at the 1981 National Conference on Environmental Engineering are included. The four major areas of focus are: (1) Solid and hazardous wastes; (2) Water...
Recent Development in Geotechnical Engineering for Hydro Projects
Eleven of the papers presented at three sessions of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division at the 1981 International Convention are included. The papers are divided into two subjects:...
Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
The Current State of Knowledge, 1981
An examination of recent strong earthquakes suggests that earthquake engineering should be strengthened and institutionalized in the lifeline field, specifically public utilities. The...
Underground Plastic Pipe
Thirty-nine of the papers presented at the 1981 International Conference on Underground Plastic Pipe are included. The types of pipes examined include: thermoplastics, thermosetting plastic...
The Hazardous Waste Dilemma
Issues and Solutions
The legal aspects, siting, management, disposal and site restoration of hazardous wastes are explored in an expansion of 30 of the technical papers that were presented at the 1980 conference...
Selected Papers by Alfred M. Freudenthal
Civil Engineering Classics
Fifty-six papers written by Alfred M. Freudenthal, or co-authored by Prof. Freudenthal, are included. The papers are divided into three areas: structures, theories of mechanical behavior...
Effective Management of Engineering Design
Basic tools and strategies for managing the design function was the focus of the Engineering Management Division's Specialty Conference. Its objective is to have each participant...
Water Forum '81
One hundred seventy-one papers that were part of the American Society of Civil Engineer's 1981 specialty conference on water issues are included. The publication is presented...
Social and Economic Impact of Earthquakes in Utility Lifelines
Seismic Considerations in Lifelines Planning, Siting and Design
Lifeline earthquake engineering is explored as an attempt to mitigate seismic hazards to public utilities and transportation systems. Utilities and transportation are 50% of the property...
Historic Preservation of Engineering Works
The preservation of historic industrial and transportation engineering works is examined. Preservation is reviewed in the context of history, and preservation through recording is explored....
Tall Building Systems and Concepts
The structural, mechanical and electrical systems of tall buildings are explored. The eight areas of focus are, structural systems, mechanical and service systems, electrical systems,...
Joint Usage of Utility and Transportation Corridors
The problems and experiences of engineers working on transportation corridors are explored through 12 papers presented at a conference of the ASCE Pipeline Division. Corridors involve...
Water and Wastewater Control Engineering
Over 5,500 Words and phrases used in water and wastewater control engineering are defined. The major areas covered in the glossary include: Sewage control, water pollution and water pollution...
Surface Water Impoundments
One hundred sixty papers presented at a symposium on surface water impoundments are included, with the aim of providing analysis of existing impoundments and planning new impoundments...
Dynamic Consolidation - Dramatic Way to Strengthen Soil
The dynamic consolidation technique consists basically of dropping a heavy pounder of up to 4 x 104 kg from a height varying between 50 to 148 ft....
Are American Utilities Sorry they went Nuclear�
The future of nuclear power in the U.S. will be determined in large measure by what the electric utilities decide to do. Very few electric utilities are planning to build more nuclear...
Baltimore's Got the Subway Everyone Loves
Some of the innovations of Baltimore's 13.5-mile subway system are explored. The system, on which construction began in 1976, is under budget and on time. The first 7.5-mile...
Dike Safety Upgraded with Millions of Square Feet of Fabric
Nonwoven fabrics of two different weights were used in an $80 million dike reconstruction project in southern Florida. Florida Power & Light Company rebuilt the embankment to a...
The Structural Fuse: An Inelastic Approach to Earthquake-Resistant Design of Buildings
An alternative to the empirical approach to earthquake-resistant design of buildings is proposed and illustrated with a design example. Instead of strengthening every member to resist...
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