Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...

U.S. Response to Coal Demand: Port and Harbor Improvements
The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long gasoline lines in 1973, caused incredibly long lines of coal ships along the East coast just last year. These ships came to bet coal to fuel overseas...

Natural Treatment Systems in Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management
Criteria defining performance of natural wastewater treatment and sludge management systems are presented. Objectives of natural treatment systems are to help treat municipal wastewater...

Will Reforms Improve Sewage Treatment Plant Performance?
After an exhaustive investigation, a Congressional subcommittee recommended more than 20 legislative and administrative reforms aimed at improving performance and economy of the wastewater...

Water Pollution Control Plant Upgraded to Meet EPA Regs
An Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award Nominee, Philadelphia's Southwest Water Pollution Control Plant, has a $300 million addition which nearly doubled plant...

Water and Energy
Technical and Policy Issues
Industrial, political, legal, hydrological, and environmental issues surrounding development of energy and associated water resources are examined in this collection of papers presented...

Environmental Engineering
The Proceedings of the 1982 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering includes papers on a broad spectrum of environmental issues. Over one hundred papers were presented addressing...

New Evapotranspiration Process: Key to Zero Discharge for Electroplaters
The electroplating process and methods of handling electroplating wastes at the Naval Air Rework Facility in Pensacola, Florida are described. In the past, evapotranspiration as a treatment...

State Officials Sound Off on Most Pressing Water Quality Issues
In the months ahead, Congress will undertake the awesome task of amending the nation's most important law regulating water pollution control: the Clean Water Act of 1977....

Organic Chemical Fire in Illinois: Emergency Response and Cleanup
In April 1980 at Hillsboro, Illinois, a fire in an agricultural chemical warehouse generated a hazardous smoke plume, and some 250,000 gallons of water used in fighting the fire were highly...

Engineers Assess Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment�Part II
An overview of the status of aquaculture technologies for their routine use in municipal wastewater treatment is presented. The detailed assessments were conducted by six internationally...

Public Infrastructure�Are More Dollars Coming?
The top subject at the October, 1982, New Orleans convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers was the infrastructure finance problem. Noted analysts of the situation, including...

The Northern Community
A Search for a Quality Environment
Fifty-eight of the papers prepared by individuals attending the 1981 Specialty Conference on the Northern Community are presented. The papers are organized into seven main subjects related...

Environmental Engineering
Eighty-nine of the papers presented at the 1981 National Conference on Environmental Engineering are included. The four major areas of focus are: (1) Solid and hazardous wastes; (2) Water...

The Hazardous Waste Dilemma
Issues and Solutions
The legal aspects, siting, management, disposal and site restoration of hazardous wastes are explored in an expansion of 30 of the technical papers that were presented at the 1980 conference...

Water and Wastewater Control Engineering
Over 5,500 Words and phrases used in water and wastewater control engineering are defined. The major areas covered in the glossary include: Sewage control, water pollution and water pollution...

Surface Water Impoundments
One hundred sixty papers presented at a symposium on surface water impoundments are included, with the aim of providing analysis of existing impoundments and planning new impoundments...

Are American Utilities Sorry they went Nuclear�
The future of nuclear power in the U.S. will be determined in large measure by what the electric utilities decide to do. Very few electric utilities are planning to build more nuclear...

GAO Finds Massive Failure of Wastewater Treatment Plants
A year-long study by the General Accounting Office of 242 wastewater treatment plants in 10 states concluded that discharge permit violations are the norm, not the exception. The failures,...





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