A Robotics Testbed for In-Space Assembly Tasks
The operations testbed of the Center for Space Construction at the University of Colorado is described. This testbed serves as a centralized testing environment for interdisciplinary research...

Wave Propagation in Hyper-Structures
The concept of hyperelement was introduced by E. Kausel and J.M. Roesset, 1977 in connection with the derivation of the dynamic stiffness matrix for layered continuum problems involving...

Biosphere II: Closed Ecological Systems Engineering
This paper provides a general description of the Biosphere II project - a 3.15 acre materially closed ecological system containing tropical rainforest, savannah, marsh, marine, desert,...

Conceptual Design for a Lunar-Base CELSS
Future human exploration is key to the United States National Space Policy goal of maintaining a world leadership position in space. In the past, spacecraft life support systems have used...

Investigation of HVAC Systems in Low Gravity Application
This paper has been developed to identify and summarize the principal areas of investigation necessary to design and install functional HVAC systems in low gravity applications. These...

Education: The Future is Now
The United States of America as a nation faces a major challenge in improving its entire educational systems, especially education in mathematics, science, and engineering. Our future...

Designed Experiments: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Space Education
The challenge of space is forcing engineering faculties to re-examine their roles in preparing college graduates to contribute to the space exploration and colonization effort. One of...

Probable Impacts of Space Operations on Air Force Civil Engineering
Consider the bridge from today's space programs and systems to tomorrow's space reality. Current space policy is revoluntionary in nature. Selected space related...

Synthesis of a Space Infrastructure
The Rockwell International 'Integrated Space Plan' consolidates a broad range of near-term and long-range objectives for the development of space. Beginning with...

Columbus Generic Element Management Concept
The concept for largely autonomous onboard management of the ESA Columbus project elements relies on the automation of operational procedures. Reconfigurable items are commanded in sequence...

Normal Accidents and Logistics in Space Operations
Unpredictable systemic accidents, normal accidents, will occur in highly-complex large-scale space systems. To mitigate the catastrophic consequences of normal accidents, containment engineering...

DYCAM: A Computer Aided Engineering Tool for Space Construction Planning
Planning and management of construction activities in space have not received sufficient attention up to the present. Space Station Freedom, a number of large platforms and extraterrestrial...

Space Power Systems?Radiation: Energy Conversion
Pair production is a way to change a photon, a gamma particle, into matter or energy. It is found that if a photon of energy greater than 1.02 MeV strikes a foil containing a large number...

Challenges and Opportunities in the '90s and Beyond?A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Perspective
In the foreseeable future, water resources expenditures will probably be dominated by environmental/water quality concerns. Strong focus is coming to bear on the state of repair, rehabilitation...

Water Resources Infrastructure Review
This paper reviews the three reports forming the basis for the U.S. National Council on Public Works Improvement water resources infrastructure related findings. It also reviews the soon...

Renovating the Riverside Water Plant?A Case Study
In 1986, the City of Waco, Texas began construction of the first of four projects designed to renovate the Riverside Water Treatment Plant. The water treatment plant was originally constructed...

A Design Process for Water Distribution Systems Including Optimization
Design of a water distribution system is a multi-level process from preliminary planning to final detailed sizing of components. Unfortunately as in many design problems, a final detailed...

Upgrading Hydraulic Infrastructure for Level One Redundancy
In the current paper a methodology is presented for upgrading any single source water distribution system in order to provide a level one system redundancy at a minimum cost. A level one...

Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...

A Methodology for Optimal Control of Pump Stations
Pumping water to utility customers is an expensive service which consumes large amounts of energy. Most approaches to date require simplifications and assumptions for the specific system...





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