Irrigation District Management?Past, Present and Future
This paper reviews the significant changes in the policies and procedures followed by agencies formed to deliver irrigation water in the western United States generally and California...

Crop-Water Production Functions and System Design
A Task Committee to evaluate application of crop-water production functions to irrigation system design and management was established by the ASCE Irrigation Water Requirements Committee...

Economic Analysis Tools for Differential Inflation
Economic decisions based on a life-cycle analysis should consider differential increases or decreases in operation and replacement costs and benefits over the project or component life....

An Integrated Rehabilitation Procedure for Gravity Systems
Demands for an improved system combined with a more adjusted management mode are common in many projects where limited or strained budgets do not allow for a regular and secure water supply....

Forty Years of Computational Hydraulics?1960-2000
The definition of computational hydraulics as used herein is: the application of numerical methods for the solution of problems of hydraulic flows, largely as practiced by the civil engineering...

Coastal Zone '87
Coastal Zone '87 is the fifth in a series of multidisciplinary meetings on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this publication review technical...

Liberty Restored
The Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement of 1987 is the restoration of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. The restoration work included many engineering tasks that by themselves...

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
This document has been carefully prepared in an effort to provide an authoritative source of information about effective design and fabrication of steel transmission pole structures. The...

Aspects of Wind and Earthquake Dynamics of Cable-Stayed Bridges
In the course of dynamic analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridges for the effects of earthquake and wind, a number of observations have been made that may be of interest to designers....

General Considerations for Managing Floods and Droughts
Work described at this conference and future developmental work of water resource engineers will best contribute to professional improvement if such work is guided by appropriate objectives....

ENDOW, An Expert System for Screening Environmental Features for Stream Alternations
This paper discusses development of an expert system for Environmental Design of Waterways Projects (ENDOW) by stream alteration specialists who were novices in artificial intelligence....

HEC-1 and HEC-2 Applications on the Microcomputer
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed versions of the HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package and the HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles programs for MS/PC-DOS compatible microcomputers...

Flood Forecasting with Minimal Data
The Corps of Engineers' HEC-1 program has been used with a specialized pre-processor program to provide interim emergency flood forecasting for a 4000 sq mi (10,360 sq km) watershed in...

Muskingum Flow Routing Using Personal Computers
The paper discusses how tedious computations involved in flow routing can be easily implemented on Personal Computers. Parameter estimation and routing calculations for both linear and...

An Analysis and Comparison of Probable Maximum Floods with 10,000-year Frequency Floods and Maximum Observed Floods for Spillway Design
The use of deterministic probable maximum floods are supported in part by the conclusions of an Interagency Work Group formed to address the following questions: (1) Is it within the state...

Legal Misuse of Urban Hydrology Concepts and Regulations for Rural Areas
This paper presents recent observations of the misuse of technical definition, hydrologic concepts, sedimentation engineering principles, and flood control regulations by the legal profession...

Time Base of a Hydrograph
For design projects in water resources, a hydrograph is commonly used to determine the required flood volumes. The time base of a hydrograph is a crucial parameter in such studies, and...

Optimum Cut-Outs on Plate Stability
Cut-outs are unavoidable in some of the plate components. To minimize the plate weight, in the meantime, to maintain the critical buckling load as high as possible is one of the major...

Lateral Impedance of Contact Pile Foundations
The static and dynamic lateral impedance of pile foundations for which there is continuous contact between the bottom of the pilecap and the underlying soil is investigated. A parametric...

Risk Assessment for Cladding Panels: An Expert Systems Approach
Risk assessment for structures in the context of wind engineering involves many factors such as wind hazard, the wind sensitivity of the structure and the socio-economic value of the structure....





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