Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...
1981 Essay Contest Winners
The fourth and fifth prize essays in Civil Engineering Magazines 1981 Essay Contest are Alan Mooney's Have we abandoned our responsibility to nurture young engineers? and...
A Cost-effective Shallow Foundation Accommodates Three Feet of Settlement
An automotive maintenance facility to be built at the Anacostia Naval Station in Washington, D.C. had two major foundation problems: the probability of large settlement and the possibility...
World's Largest Installation of Fabric-Formed Pile Jackets
One major feature of fabric forming is permeability. One application of this technique is protective encasement of steel H and pipe piles at a major pier in Chile. The Huachipato Pier...
Engineer's Notebook: One-step Formula for R/C Tension Steel
In the design of reinforced concrete beams, after loadings and materials are defined, the first step is to assume a beam depth. Then the required steel area and beam width are determined....
An Improved Design for Grain Storage Tanks Solves Problem of Brittle Failures
The welded tank features fracture-tough steel and tube stiffeners to overcome problems evident in several failures of major tanks in recent years. Used extensively for grain storage in...
World's First All-Rollcrete Dam
Willow Creek Dam in Oregon will be the world's first concrete gravity dam designed specifically for and exclusively by roller compaction methods. The average in-place cost...
Financing Water Projects: Count on Uncle Sam Less!
The federal government has been the chief underwriter of many water resources projects in the U.S., but now changes in the Administrtion's policies have spurred new directions...
U.S. Response to Coal Demand: Port and Harbor Improvements
The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long gasoline lines in 1973, caused incredibly long lines of coal ships along the East coast just last year. These ships came to bet coal to fuel overseas...
A Primer on Microcomputers
This article is a primer on microcomputers. It's intended for the many small and medium sized consultants and others in the civil engineering field who may be considering...
Behind the Sines, Protugal Breakwater Failure
This article highlights a report on the possible causes of failure of the massive, $178 million breakwater at Sines, Portugal. This was the largest breakwater of its kind in the world....
Cold Regions Engineering in Norway
The use of insulating materials is a key factor in cold regions engineering in Norway. It is applied in road construction in areas where frost heave and reduced bearing capacity would...
Causes and Preventions of Lamellar Tearing: Engineer's Notebook
Within the past 10 years, a steel cracking problem, lamellar tearing, has arisen after welding of thicker sections and higher-strength steels. A separation underlying a weld joining plate...
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Proves Worth for Airport Pavements
Laboratory and field tests indicate that fiber-reinforced concrete has higher flexural and tensile strength, higher impact resistance, and improved resistance to spalling and joint deterioration...
Energy Turns the World as a World's Fair Turns a City Around
Energy Expo '82 opens May 1 and will run through October 31, 1982. Host City, Knoxville, Tennessee has taken advantage of the fair as a catalyst for growth and urban renewal...
Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges: Can They Compete in the U.S.?
During the past decade, concrete bridge designs have been winning more bids for contracts than steel cable-stayed bridges. Reasons for this trend are examined. A brief evolution of bridge...
Nuclear Safety: A Problem of Technology or Ideology?
The issue of nuclear safety is examined. It is debated whether the public reaction to the issue is emotional or rational and whether nuclear safety is a problem of ideology or technology....
Natural Treatment Systems in Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management
Criteria defining performance of natural wastewater treatment and sludge management systems are presented. Objectives of natural treatment systems are to help treat municipal wastewater...
Trouble Shooting ChemicaLly Resistant Masonry
This paper is a series of case histories showing specifically how lack of understanding of the nature of the materials and their proper uses has caused failure in design, specification,...
Computer-Aided Drafting in Civil Engineering
Computer aided drafting (CAD) is defined as an interactive computer graphics system suitable for the generation of engineering documentation. The development of CAD is reviewed. The computer...
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