Building Failures�Preventing Them, Learning from Them
Ways to design and construct a structure so as to minimize chances of errors leading to failure are described. Held up as models of systematically investigating failures are the incident-study...

EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program Designed to Produce Useful Results
EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) is composed of 28 projects which are obtaining data on the significance and control of urban runoff to aid federal, state, and...

Landmark Projects of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Excerpts are discussed from major papers to be presented at the March 1982 Construction Equipment and Techniques for the Eighties Specialty Conference to be held at Purdue University....

Micro-Computer Program: Roof Purlin Design
A micro-computer program is explained in step-by-step manner as a shortcut for biaxial bending design with results in as little as 60 seconds. Biaxial bending requires the consideration...

The Microcomputer Explosion in Civil Engineering Firms
During the next five years, small and medium size consulting engineering firms will undergo many changes. The key changing force is the low cost ($2500 to $20,000) microcomputer. Already,...

Cofferdams Protecting New York Bridges from Ship Collisions
During the past few decades, there have been a number of cases where ships have rammed bridge piers, triggering the superstructure's collapse. The most tragic case was the...

Surveying and Photogrammetry Research Needs
An ASCE-National Science Foundation committee listed and prioritized research needs in surveying and photogrammetry. Among them are the Department of Defense's Global Positioning...

Washington Office of the American Society of Civil Engineers
The mission, organization, and major public policy activities of the American Society of Civil Engineers are described. Emphasis is given to the ASCE Washington Office and its relation...

Problems of the Independent Consultant
Problems of consultants who practice alone are considered in terms of the author's experience in developig a practice. Issues discussed include establishing a foothold, locating...

The Booming Business in Wick Drains
Prefabricated vertical wick drains, used to improve weak, saturated soils, have been used in Japan and Europe for 20 years but were introduced in the U.S. only four years ago. Since then...

Failure of the Breakwater at Port Sines, Portugal
The objectives of the Port Sines Investigation Panel were to collect perishable data on and to identify causes of the failure on February 26, 1978, of the rubble mound breakwater at Port...

Grouting in Geotechnical Engineering
The 63 pages included in these proceedings came from 12 different countries and deal with the pertinent advances in grouting materials and technology that have occurred throughout the...

Application of Plasticity and Generalized Stress-strain in Geotechnical Engineering
This volume on the application of plasticity and generalized stress-strain in geotechnical engineering is divided into two main sections, with an introduction on soil constitutive model...

Urban Water Conservation
Increasing Efficiency-in-Use Residential Water Demand
Water supply and wastewater flow problems have resulted in an increasing concern with urban water demand. This report is an assessment of various water conservation measures aimed at reducing...

Construction Equipment & Techniques for the Eighties
Thirty-three papers on construction equipment and techniques are presented. Construction equipment management is discussed, including criteria for equipment selection, utilization and...

Engineering and Construction in Tropical and Residual Soils
Thirty-one papers and six invited lectures presented at the specialty conference on engineering and construction in tropical and residual soils are included. The proceedings represent...

Engineering and Construction Projects
The Emerging Management Roles
The papers presented at the specialty conference on emerging management roles in engineering and construction projects focus attention on successful management approaches, and methods...

How to Reduce Construction Claims through Mediation
Ever-increasing costs of claims lead owners and contractors to turn to mediation as an alternative to litigation or arbitration. As a first step, recognize the risk of claims, and establish...

Research and Development for Increased Productivity�Where We Must Go
A well-focused research and development activity must be the essential foundation of any long-range success in maintaining high and increasing productivity in manufacturing, the efficient...

Preventing Another Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster
America will not soon forget the tragic collapse of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge into Tampa Bay almost two years ago. That accident was a costly lesson in the crucial importance of protecting...





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