Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems
A general overview of the current practices and procedures that should be considered for financing and charges for wastewater collection and treatment systems is presented. The publication...

A Standard for the Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water
This standard was developed to measure the rate of oxygen transfer from diffused gas and mechanical oxygenation devices to water. The standard is applicable to laboratory scale oxygenation...

From Wastewater to Drinking Water
The city of Denver, Colorado will experience a population increase of an estimated half million people within the next 20 years. To satisfy the anticipated demand for water in this semi-arid...

The Third Wave in Water Quality Management
In the 1970's there was great pressure to clean up water-polluting discharges no matter what the cost. Now in the tight-budget 1980s, there is a vigorous search for more cost-effective...

Land Treatment of Hazardous Waste
Land treatment is one of several available alternatives to the use of landfills and surface impoundments for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. Using this technique, hazardous...

New Wastewater Process Cuts Plant Costs 60%
By combining the aerator and the clarifier into one basin, this new wastewater treatment process can slash capital costs up to 60% and operating and maintenance costs up to 45%. Raw sewage...

Seismic Response of Buried Pipes and Structural Components
At nuclear power plants there are numerous underground safety-related pipes and structural components which are utilized in the operation of the plant. These underground components provide...

The Grand Coulee Third Powerplant Project, an extension of the Grand Coulee Dam in northeastern Washington State, has been given a 1983 ASCE OCEA Award of Merit. Located on the Columbia...

Innovations Cut Costs of a Power Plant's Water System
A two-unit (660 MW each) coal-fired power plant in St. Clair, MI, requires 660,000 gallons of water for condenser cooling. A once through cooling system from the St. Clair River (one mile...

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the 1983 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering was to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of...

Activated Sludge
A Comparison of Oxygen and Air Systems
The use of pure oxygen in biological wastewater treatment is the only major advance which has occurred in the area of activated sludge treatment since the early 1960's. Furthermore,...

The Incidence, Monitoring, and Treatment of Viruses in Water Supply Systems
A State-of-the Art Review
Two areas of growing concern in water treatment and public health are the potential for spread of viruses by water routes and the adequacy of current treatment and disinfection practices...

Upgrading Water Filtration Plants
Adding or improving mixing, flocculation, and sedimentation devices, and changing filter media can significantly increase water filtration plant capacity. Water quality can often be improved...

Progress in Urban Hydrology in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1979
The importance of urban water problems have been increasingly realized in the 70's also in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). State authorities, communities, universities,...

Progress Since 1979 in Sweden
During the past 20 years hard effort has been devoted to the protection of rivers and lakes from pollution. This effort has mainly been focused on the obvious sources of pollution i. e....

Progress Since 1979 in Norway
Following the completion of the major research program 'Purification of Wastewater' in 1978, the organized research activities in urban hydrology almost came...

Progress Since 1979 in the Netherlands
Since the last progress-report still more emphasis has been laid on quality aspects of surface waters. Municipalities as well as Provinces and the national government are responsible for...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Finland
Due to a smaller scale of urban problems on Finland, active research work on urban hydrology began as late as in the mid-1970's. The major urban hydrology and related studies...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments II
State of the art and future trends in pipeline design, construction and maintenance are reviewed. Specific areas addressed include adverse terrain conditions, river crossings-particularly...

Journal of Energy Engineering
The Journal of Energy Engineering reports on the scientific and engineering knowledge in the planning, development, management, and finances of energy-related programs. The journal is dedicated to civil...





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