Plunge Pool Erosion in Cohesive Soils at Two Dams in Kansas
Results of a field study of two plunge pools scoured by horizontal pipe outlets discharging on cohesive channels are analyzed. Formulas for critical tractive shear stress based on plasticity...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...

Milwaukee Sewerage District Interplant Pipeline
The pipeline is intended to transfer solids between the Jones Island and South Shore treatment works a distance of approximately 12 miles (19. 3 km). The 4 conduit pipeline comprising...

A Nebraska Power District's Experience in Stabilizing by Silt Injection
The structures, rolled earth and concrete, of the Central Nebraska Project are constructed on foundations of loessial soils that range from a few feet to more than 100 feet in depth. The...

Detention Pond Outlet Design for Pollution Control
Stormwater runoff detention ponds were originally developed for the control of flooding and the designs of the outlet control structure must be modified to obtain pollution control objectives....

Flood Travel Time
The effects of infiltration on the flood travel time are investigated. In flood prediction, the physical domain for flood cumulation is expressed by the period of time for water to travel...

Riprap Sizing-Four Methods
A comparison summary is provided for sizing of riprap by four methods: Isbash, Froude, Tractive Force - Logarithmic Velocity Profile (TFL), and Tractive Force - Power Velocity Profile...

Cavitation in Various Types of Shear Flow
Cavitation in turbulent shear flow depends on the intensity and spectral characteristics of the pressure fluctuations in a Lagrangian frame of reference as well as depending on the concentration...

Modeling of a Multifunctional Hydraulic Structure
A 1:12 scale Froude model of a hydraulic control structure in the Rochester Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program (RCSOAP) was constructed and tested to optimize the design requirements...

Simple Hydrologic Modeling
Several simple models for estimating precipitation and evapotranspiration from a limited data base are discussed. Rainfall probabilities may be calculated from mean monthly rainfall. Depth-duration-frequencies...

Hydraulics and Hydrology of Border Irrigation
Proper description of the hydraulics of irrigation of farmland is necessary in management. Many descriptions of furrow or border irrigation are not adequate to describe truly physically...

Realistic Hydrology for Basin Management
Several realistic yet simple methods to describe infiltration, soil moisture redistribution, aquifer recharge, canal seepage and stream-aquifer interaction in a river basin are presented...

Assessing Irrigation Impact on Instream Flow
A hydrologic model to help river system managers determines the demand for irrigation water in a two mile wide strip of land along the river using information which is generally available...

SCS Water Supply Forecasting Opportunities
SCS personnel have been surveying the mountain snowpack, collecting other hydrometeorological data, and providing water supply forecasts to users for nearly 50 years. Recently, the snow...

Power from a Water Supply System: A Resource Which Can Be Tapped
There are numerous water supply systems from which hydroelectric power could be developed without impending the regular operational schedule. The basic principle of operation is not different...

Pipeline Materials and Design
The proper use of pipeline materials and design is obviously paramount in the private and public works sectors. The introduction and proper use of new piping materials and design procedures...

Design and Operation of Pipeline Control Systems
More and more of the time of the engineer involved in the design and construction of a pipeline project is devoted to problems relating to the control systems to operate and monitor the...

Sedimentation Consolidation Models?Predictions and Validation
In very soft sediments, questions have arisen concerning the capability of standard computational techniques used to implement calculations. The problems mainly lie in the manner in which...

The Third Wave in Water Quality Management
In the 1970's there was great pressure to clean up water-polluting discharges no matter what the cost. Now in the tight-budget 1980s, there is a vigorous search for more cost-effective...





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