Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project
The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) is sponsoring the Facility Interface Capability Assessment Project to determine current and potential...

Acceptance of Spent Fuel of Varying Characteristics
This paper is a preliminary overview of a study with the primary objective of establishing a set of acceptance selection criteria and corresponding spent fuel characteristics to be incorporated...

Dispute Resolution ? A New Approach for Public Acceptance of the High-Level Radioactive Waste Mamagement Regulatory System
This paper examines the feasibility of utilizing Dispute Resolution to significantly reduce the numbers of technical disputes subject to litigation in civil courts or before the NRC to...

Systems Integration During the Development of a Federal Waste Management System
Systems integration in the development of the Federal Waste Management System for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste involves not only the activities traditional to development...

Important Factors in Developing a Nuclear Waste Management System
The nuclear waste management system provides unique challenges for a large and diverse segment of our society. For the politician there is the blending of national policy and the interests...

Computed Distributions of Residual Shaft Drilling and Drift Construction Water in the Exploratory Facilities at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Yucca Mountain Project is studying the feasibility of constructing a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in southwest Nevada. One activity of site characterization...

Postclosure Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems: Current State of Understanding and International Consensus
Approximately ten years have passed since the first comprehensive safety assessments of radioactive waste disposal systems appeared. Through intensive efforts in practically all countries...

Institutional Status, Challenges, and Plans Related to the MRS Program
This paper analyzes the role of institutional considerations in the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) program. Among the issues that will be discussed are: the present focus of the MRS...

Assuring Data Quality for Use in Waste Management System Trade-Off Studies
This paper details the systems engineering approach developed to ensure the integrity of a large data library throughout its development and application. The paper assesses the benefits...

A Literature-Based Preliminary Characterization of Risks in the Nuclear Waste Management System
The objectives of this study were to 1) review the literature containing information on risks in the nuclear waste management system and 2) use this information to develop preliminary...

The Systems Integration Modeling System
The Systems Integration Modeling System (SIMS) is an analysis tool for the detailed evaluation of the structure and related performance of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Evaluating and Controlling the Characteristics of the Nuclear Waste in the FWMS Using Waste Stream Analysis Model
The Waste Stream Analysis (WSA) Model is used by the Department of Energy to model the time and location dependent properties of the nuclear waste stream in the Federal Waste Managements...

Systems Integration Operations/Logistics Model (SOLMOD)
SOLMOD is a discrete event simulation model written in FORTRAN 77 and operates in a VAX or PC environment. The model emulates the movement and interaction of equipment and radioactive...

A Systems Engineering Cost Analysis Capability for Use in Assessing Nuclear Waste Management System Cost Performance
The System Engineering Cost Analysis (SECA) capability has been developed by the System Integration Branch of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive...

The Coordination of System Representation and Operating Assumptions for System Studies in SIMS
Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Development of a CRUD Particle Size Distribution and Its Effect on Cask Source Term and Containment Analyses
Spent pressurized-water reactor (PWR) and boiling-water reactor (BWR) fuel rods from three reactors were examined by hot cell periscope, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and scanning...

Case System and Ancillary Equipment Maintenance
Per-shipment activities, incidental maintenance, repair, and routine maintenance for Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) casks and ancillary equipment and responsibility for those activities...

Fluid Line Deployment and Repair for Space Station
Deployment of the utility system for providing services to the NASA Space Station Freedom provides a unique challenge in design and material technology. The system must be lightweight,...

A Space Station Trash Recovery and Recycling System
The quantity of trash produced on the Space Station during its lifetime will be substantial and will include useful waste materials. Given the high cost of transportation to orbit, it...

Application of Automation and Robotics to Lunar Surface Human Exploration Operations
Major results of a study (RLSO, 89) applying automation and robotics to lunar surface base buildup and operations concepts are reported. The study developed a reference base scenario with...





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