Traffic Information and Driver Behavior in France
The 600 Kilometer freeway network within a 30 Kilometer radius around Paris handles 40% of the overall regional traffic volume (number of vehicles). This network is now operated by a single...

Advanced Highway Control on the Central Artery
The Boston Central Artery/Tunnel project involves highways 190 and 193, in downtown Boston, placing underground 7 miles of four to eight lane tunnels. The project, with 37 lane-miles underground,...

Metering Strategies Applied to Signalized Networks
This paper describes the development and adaptation of ramp metering strategies for use in signalized networks. The strategies were developed in simulation environment using the micro-simulation...

Neural Networks in Freeway Control
Hierarchical control strategies have been proposed for freeway optimum control since the 1960's. Multi-layer hierarchical control optimizes system performance to determine a nominal metering...

Comparative Accuracies of Technologies for Vehicle Location and Navigation
A variety of vehicle location and tracking technologies are under consideration for such IVHS applications as Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), and vehicle...

Improvement of Terminal Reliability and Travel Time Reliability Under Traffic Management
Terminal reliability and travel time reliability of road networks are proposed as new indicators for road network management and construction. First, the significance of road network management...

IVHS-Organizational Structure and Staffing
Continuing technology advances in IVHS present challenges that many states are unable to meet with their current staffs. Only a few states have recognized the need to plan the need to...

Optimal Strategy Within a Traffic Control Center
This paper describes part of a new Central Traffic Control System (CTCS), implemented in several sites in Europe, and recently in Haifa, Israel. The CTCS effected in Haifa contains enhanced...

Traffic Mark Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks
A system using artificial neural networks to identify types of pavement marks and to rank their recognizabilities is proposed.The system stores different types of traffic marks; associates...

An Information Network for Route Guidance and Travel Guidance Systems
Automotive Route Guidance Systems are being marketed and tested around the world. These systems provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to guide a driver to any location in a...

Dynamic Traveler Information and Transit Ridership
Over the past decade, the Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) has developed an extensive database with dynamic transit schedule and route guidance information. To investigate...

Bellevue Smart Traveler: Reducing SOV Commuting
The Bellevue Smart Traveler (BTS) research team is currently developing a prototype traveler information center (TIC) to serve a downtown office complex in Bellevue, Washington. The goal...

Twelve Keys to Improved IVHS Evaluations
Evaluation plays an important role in the development of credible information on intelligent vehicle-highway system (IVHS) performance. In December 1992, a national workshop was held to...

Simulation-Based Training for Transportation Management Center (TMC) Operators
Effective simulation-based training for Transportation Management Center (TMC) operators enables operators to make the best use of their TMC and thereby to improve the efficiency and safety...

A Simulation and Data Management Environment for Off-Line Testing of IVHS Technologies and Strategies
CA is engaged in a rapidly expanding statewide effort to test and deploy advanced traffic management and traveller information systems to mitigate congestion and increase mobility. To...

IVHS and the Law of Privacy
The development of Intelligent Vehicles Highway System (IVHS) technologies has expanded the opportunities for surveillance and instructions upon personal privacy. This paper briefly examines...

Genesis ? Information on the Move
The access to enhanced real-time travel information is widely accepted as one of the cornerstones of any intelligent highway system. In the majority if IVHS programs currently underway...

European Consensus Formation and Standardisation in the Area of Road Transport and Traffic Telematics
In Europe ATT-implementation projects are run both by PROMETHEUS (EUREKA) and DRIVE (Commission of the European Communities). Many of these projects are urban and inter-urban field trials...

IVHS: Applications in Freight and Trucking Operations
This paper discusses the application of IVHS technology to freight and trucking activities. It is argued that because commercial vehicle operators perceive real benefits from IVHS, they...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...





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