Tensile Fracture and Fatigue of Cement Stabilized Soil
Portland cement stabilized soil is widely used as a base material for roads, airfields, and similar structures. Cracking in this material is studied using fracture mechanics concepts....

Masonry Rehabilitation: Practice and Research
The rehabilitation of masonry buildings is a major construction activity in the United States. The available techniques and evaluation methodologies are limited to visual investigation...

Prestress and Cracking Problems in Concrete Structural Components of an Elevated Rail Transit Guideway System
In 1983 the Department of Transportation evaluated the quality of construction of selected structural components on the Dade County Transportation Administration METRORAIL elevated guideways....

Damage Tolerance Assessment of Commercial Airframes
The regulatory authorities now require that commercial transport aircraft structural design be based on a damage tolerance philosophy. A brief history of the development of the regulations...

Tension-Compression Test of a Concrete Specimen Via a Structure Damage Theory
The concrete sample is assumed to consist of a large number of aggregates and cement paste. Their material properties are assumed to be perfectly elastic. The effective elastic property...

Effect of Voids on Creep Rate and Strength
The classic macroscopic Kachanov-Rabotnov model of material damage due to voids is reviewed. Detailed analyses of bulk mechanical properties of dilutely voided materials with certain,...

On Cyclic Testing with Thin Long Hollow Cylinders
The hollow cylinder device has emerged in recent years as an important tool in the investigation of the dynamic behavior of soils. This paper reviews the stress conditions present in the...

Liquefaction Flow Failure of Silty Sand by Torsional Cyclic Tests
The use of undrained strain-controlled cyclic torsional loading of anisotropically consolidated triaxial specimens (CyT-CAU tests), is proposed for evaluating liquefaction flow failure...

Torsional Simple Shear Apparatus for Drained and Undrained Cyclic Testing
Since a cyclic triaxial compression apparatus was first used to study liquefaction of saturated sandy soil, many different types of cyclic shear devices have been used to investigate drained...

Aspects of Constant Volume Cyclic Simple Shear
Data from cyclic simple shear tests comprise the foundation on which rests most of the practical applications of theoretical soil dynamics. The importance of the test derived from two...

Multi-Directional Irregular Loading Tests on Sand
In order to clarify the effects of irregular and multi-directional nature of load application on soil deposits during earthquakes, multiple series of laboratory tests were conducted on...

Small Strain Measurements Using Triaxial Apparatus
This paper presents a detailed testing methodology which can be used to determine the cyclic properties of soils at very small strains using triaxial apparatus. A discussion of specific...

Shear Moduli Measurements under True Triaxial Stresses
The effect of state of stress on the shear wave velocity and shear modulus of a dry sand was examined. Testing was performed in a large-scale triaxial device in which cubic soil samples...

Lab Measurements of Gmax Using Bender Elements
This paper describes in detail the installation and use of piezoceramic bender elements in a variety of standard geotechnical laboratory testing equipment at NGI (e. g. , triaxial, direct...

Cyclic Simple Shear, Torsional Shear and Triaxial�A Comparative Study
Many different testing apparatus are used to duplicate in laboratory soil samples the stress state generated in situ by earthquakes. A wide diversity of data has been generated and this...

Centrifuge Model Testing with Dynamic and Cyclic Loads
This paper examines the use of small-scale tests on centrifuges to study a wide range of problems in soil dynamics - including machine foundations, structures and explosion effects. The...

The Uplift Capacity of Helix Anchors in Sand
Results of field and laboratory investigations of the uplift capacity of helix anchors in sand are presented. Equipment and instrumentation were used to measure uplift load, anchor deflection...

Uplift Capacity of Helical Anchors in Clay and Silt
The results of a study on the uplift capacity of helical anchors in clay and silt are presented. Full-scale field tests and one-quarter scale laboratory tests were conducted in each soil...

Uplift Capacity of Shallow Offshore Foundations
Soil failure under upward loading is investigated by experimental laboratory tests. The problem of uplift capacity is considered in terms of effective stresses in soil skeleton and pore...

Resistance of Shallow Inclined Anchors in Clay
Some recent laboratory model test results for the ultimate pullout resistance of a square anchor inclined at angles of 0, 20, 50, 75, and 90 degrees with respect to the horizontal have...





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