Quantitative Assessment of Marine Traffic Environment by Using the Maneuvering Space Concept
In a coastal zone, it frequently becomes important to assess the influence of the constructions upon the marine traffic environment. Marine traffic is a man-machine system, and so not...

Ecolocy-Conscious Submerged Breakwater
A submerged breakwater makes incident rough waves small when their heights exceed a certain level on the site, though the other waves lower than the level are not so much affected by the...

A Study of Political Decision Method for Remote Island's Environmental Management?Patterns of Remote Islands and a Political Goal
Remote islands are handicapped in their incomes and living conditions, because they are surrounded by oceans, the area is rather small, and also they are far from economic and cultural...

Minnesota Guidestar?Progress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportatin System
Minnesota Guidestar is seeking to develop a truly statewide intelligent transportation system. The pursuit of this goal necessitates the testing and evaluation of a number of different...

Before-After Evaluation of FTMS Effectiveness
This paper demonstrated the possibilities for conducting before-after evaluation of a new freeway traffic management system (FTMS) using only data from the inductive loop detectors. Using...

Migration to Traffic Adaptive Control?A Case Study
Many of the urban traffic control systems currently in operation around the world are based on first generation control technology, and for various reasons, they are now in need of renewal....

AVL's Future Holds Little Value without Integrated Data Communications for Total Mobile Resource Management
The future of automatic vehicle location (AVL) lies in broadening its definition for greater market acceptance and applicability. AVL by itself is for limited utility. To solve real-world...

Freeway Control Systems for Using Section-Related Traffic Variable Detection
Traffic control systems for freeways are described which use section-related traffic variable measurement techniques. For deriving section-related variables feature sequence of a vehicle...

Field Implementation and Testing of a Machine Vision Based Incident Detection System
This paper contains test results of a video detection device installed in the field for over two years and the development and field deployment of an incident detection sysytems called...

Video Image Processing Application: Automatic Incident Detection on Freeways
This paper presents the results of tests carried out in the last 3 months of 1992 regarding the Automatic Incident Detection System elaborated in the INAVID project (DRIVE program). This...

Driver Assistance and Local Traffic Management, DALTM
This paper focus on some important features in the Swedish and European Road, Transport and informatic (RTI) program - the intelligent communication between road infrastructure and the...

A Prototype Real-time Expert System for Surface Street Traffic Management and Control
This paper discusses the development of a prototype real-time knowledge based expert system (KBES) to demonstrate the feasibility of assisting the operators of surface street Traffic Management...

A Dynamic Real-Time Incident Detection System for Urban Arterials?System Architecture and Preliminary Results
This study presents a system which is capable of detecting incidents in real-time and adjusting itself to traffic dynamics through the embedded learning mechanism. The entire system consists...

Rural Applications of IVHS
The Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) program in the U.S.A. is understandably directed primarily toward urbanized areas where congestion is highest. Despite having somewhat less...

IVHS Transit Applications ? Rural/Small Urban Areas
The application of APTS technologies to public transportation services as found in small and medium sized communities and in rural areas is still to be explored in the United States. To...

Overview of the FAST-TRAC IVHS Program
A major new IVHS initiative, called FAST-TRAC, is taking place in Oakland County, Michigan. It originated as a bottom-up strategy for solving mobility and highway safety problems in this...

Integrating Advanced Telematics into Urban and Regional Transport Policies?Munich Greater Area Case Study
Before the background of the emerging of advanced transport telecommunication and informatics several traffic information and control systems are under development with a bottom up approach....

Seattle Area Traffic Management System Upgrade
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) implemented the first components of this freeway monitoring and control system in 1967. A major upgrade to this system was completed...

Motorist Aid Systems ? Intelligent Roadside Controllers
Advanced technology call boxes, employing a variety of communications networks and embedded microprocessors, have brought a new level of functionality and extensibility to motorists aid...

Traffic Information and Management in a Geographically Distributed Computing Environment
This paper presents a comprehensive architecture for a geographically distributed traffic information/management system, and demonstrates the viability of such an architecture using GIS,...





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