Study of Structural Behavior with Computer Simulation
The application of computer simulated testings of structural elements in the civil engineering undergraduate education is described. With a computer simulation a structural component may...

Animated Response of Dynamic Systems
Understanding how a simple structural system responds to a dynamically applied load is a difficult concept for most students to grasp. The fundamental mathematical theory of this behavior...

Interactive CAL Modules for Mechanics of Solids
Traditionally the basic engineering course in 'Mechanics of Solids' has proven to be a challenge to both the students and faculty, for although the fundamental...

A Problem Oriented Courseware Interface
A program has been created in an attempt to utilize the benefits of the microcomputer in assisting the learning process without invoking the attendance 'black-box'...

Interactive Structural Analysis and Steel Design on the Macintosh
A program has been written for the analysis of two-dimensional structures for the Macintosh personal computer using the Microsoft Basic language. The program takes advantage of the special...

Finite Element Analysis of R/C Frames and Frame-Wall Systems
A finite element program has been developed for the analysis of reinforced concrete two-dimensional structures. The element library of the program includes, in addition to standard beam...

Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Spun Poles
A microcomputer package for the analysis and design of prestressed concrete spun poles is described. The package, named PCPAD, consists of six programs each having a specific analysis...

The Software Implications of Supercomputer Architecture
A simple look at computer architecture from a computational (and hence user) perspective is observed. A relation between computer architecture and software development is explored. Today's...

Attached Scientific Computers in Structural Analysis
The design and analysis process is explored in terms of its requirements for user decision-making and interaction. This is presented as a three-phase procedure: (1) the engineer developing...

Finite Element Software on a Multiprocessor
The continuing implementation and testing of finite element software on the Butterfly Parallel Processor is discussed. The Butterfly computer is a general purpose, shared memory machine...

Equation Solving on a Parallel Computer
The application of computers to the analysis of large structural systems is examined. The analysis procedure is presented as three distinct phases: (1) element formulation, (2) equation...

Accuracy Control of Finite Element Analysis of Articulated Structures
An examination of the properties of two-node element models leads to data establishing the acceptable choices in discretization to insure the accuracy of finite element analysis of articulated...

Reflections on the Impact of Computer Science on Engineering
Over the past several decades, the use of computers in engineering has grown significantly. Over this same time period, work in the relatively new discipline of Computer Science has impacted...

A Perspective on Engineering Computing
Computing in engineering seems to be evolving very rapidly and yet the data shows that it frequently takes twenty years before a viable concept becomes widely available. Economics is the...

Rebuilding Mexico City
After the September 19, 1985 earthquake in Mexico City, officials had to cope with a massive volunteer effort to inspect damaged and destroyed structures. Over a thousand engineers, contractors,...

Construction Company Builds a Computer System
The case history of the computerization of a construction company is presented. The report reviews the stages that the company went through from manual operations for bookkeeping, estimating,...

Data Collection and Information Dissemination: Current Efforts and Challenges
The need for the civil engineering community to collect and disseminate information on failures has been discussed widely. It appears that in recent years our profession's reluctance to...

Systems Model for Water Supply Following Earthquakes
The water supply for San Francisco is described with emphasis on the city's auxiliary water distribution network, which provides fire protection for the most heavily built-up...

What is an Expert System
Knowledge-based expert systems (KBES) have created much excitement in the civil engineering computer user community. KBES evoke expectations of full-blown Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Expert System Tools for Civil Engineering Applications
Expert system software tools have played a major role in expediting program development. Some problems should not and possibly cannot be solved by current expert system technology. For...





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