Comparison of Computed and Observed Velocities at Three Estuarine Sites
The Generalized, Longitudinal-Vertical Hydrodynamic and Transport model (GLVHT) has been applied to the Patuxent River estuary, the Raritan River Estuary and the Arthur Kill. The applications...

Structural Reliability Through Machine Learning From Case Histories
The development of a management tool for the control of structural safety is described. Artificial intelligence techniques of 'machine learning' are employed...

Sounding Out Buried Waste
Geophysical diffraction tomography (GDT) is a new remote sensing technique for quantitative high-resolution subsurface imaging. It is similar to optical holography where long wavelength...

Chaotic Characteristics of Snowmelt Runoff: A Preliminary Study
Chaos, the study of nonlinear dynamic systems, offers a way of observing order in systems previously thought to be random. In this study, we analyze snowmelt runoff from a small watershed...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Erosion of farmlands due to concentrate flow is very severe on many unprotected fields across the county. Small channels can you in large gullies of not controlled. These small channels...

Simulating Runoff and Sediment Yield on Semiarid Watersheds
This paper describes a computer program called WESP (Watershed Erosion Simulation Program), a physically-based, distributed parameter, event-oriented, one-dimensional numerical model for...

Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Watershed Model: Hydrologic and Erosion Calculations
The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model is a distributed continuous simulation model developed to compute the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion and deposition...

An Interactive Computer Model to Simulate Water Quality of Streamflow from Forested Watersheds in Arizona
To better formulate water resources policies and management strategies, a computer model that simulates concentrations of dissolved chemicals in snowmelt-runoff from forested watersheds...

Demonstration of Watershed Management Effectiveness in Sediment Control Using Comprehensive Watershed Modeling
The Arroyo Pasajero, which drains a 500-square mile watershed in the Coastal Range of California, flows into the San Joaquin Valley, intersecting the San Luis Canal section of the California...

Modeling Erosion and Effects of Agricultural BMP's on a West Tennessee Watershed
The application of Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) to nonpoint source data was examined. The model is used to determine the effects of land management practices upon surface...

Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater
A computer model was developed by T. Sammis and Z. Samani to simulate the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. The model consisted of a groundwater simulation subroutine and a crop...

Canal Automation for Flexibility on Sloping Canals
This project and tested a method which would allow flexible water deliveries from medium-large canals. The canal gate movement algorithm CARDD (Canal Automation for Rapid Demand Deliveries)...

A Modern Approach to the Design of Grassed Channels
The design of grassed channels can be based on modern fluid mechanics principles. The resistance to flow in a grassed channel is linked directly to the relative roughness of the flow through...

Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Geographical Information Systems
A procedure for developing groundwater pollution potential maps using a geographical information system (GIS) is introduced. The concept of pollution potential mapping is discussed, along...

Near Real Time Irrigation Scheduling Using Heat Unit Based Crop Coefficients
An interactive computer program (SCHEDPEN) which utilizes growing-degree-day based crop coefficients for irrigation scheduling was developed and tested on cotton during 1988 and 1989 at...

Annual Flow Variations in the Nile River System
The annual flow series of the Nile River System at some key gauging stations for the period 1912-1988 are presented and discussed. The relatively stable period, pre-1961, has helped establish...

Process-Based Debris-Flow Prediction Method
This paper briefly identifies problems with traditional approaches to debris-flow prediction and presents a simplified process-based model (Williams and others, 1988) to accomplish the...

Rheological Properties of Simulated Debris Flows in the Laboratory Environment
Steady debris flows with or without a snout are simulated in a 'conveyor-belt' flume using dry glass spheres of a uniform size, 5 or 14 mm in diameter, and their...

Experimental Study on the Rheologic Behavior of the Slurry of Viscous Debris Flow
The slurry of viscous debris flow is a kind of dense solid-liquid mixture. It has very complicated rheologic behavior. As shown in the experiment described in this paper, the slurry exhibits...

Multi-Date Image Analyses Used for Determining Flood Area Impacts in the Saginaw River Basin, Michigan
During the months of September and October 1986, a series of storms swept across the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. These heavy downpours caused $400 million worth of flood damages. Significant...





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