Hydraulic Studies for a Large Wetland
Coastal wetlands are highly biologically productive and provide spawning and feeding habitats for many aquatic organisms. As has happened to freshwater wetlands, about half of the tidal...

Bird Use of an Evaporation Basin and a Mitigation Wetland
A 58-ha freshwater wetland was constructed to mitigate for decreased avian reproductive success and survivorship caused by a 296-ha selenium contaminated evaporation basin. To decrease...

Feasibility of Modeling Phosphorus Dynamics in Stormwater Wetlands
This research, underway at the University of Guelphs School of Engineering, studies the feasibility of modeling phosphorus assimilative capacity by stormwater wetlands in cold climates....

Habitat Preservation and Enhancement Associated with San Diego Creek Flood Control Channel Improvement
San Diego Creek, an important regional flood control channel in southern Orange County, California, flows 2.4 kilometers through the mixed-use areas of Irvine Center (San Diego Freeway...

Santa Ana River Salt Marsh Restoration: Orange County, California, U.S.A.
As part of the All-River Plan of the Santa Aria River, the 92 acre Santa Ana River Marsh (Marsh) was constructed at the Pacific Ocean outlet in Orange County, California. This project...

Design and Implementation of a Multi-Faceted Site Remediation
This technical paper presents a case history of the design, construction, and start-up of a multi-faceted site remediation system. The case history includes a description of the site background,...

Secondary Containment Design Practices
Over the past several decades the design approach to containment of spills has not been consistent resulting in release of hazardous substances into the environment. The increased discovery...

Rational Design and Operation of Packed Bed Adsorption Reactors
Design of packed bed adsorption reactors is based presently upon the parameter empty bed contact time (EBCT), a fallacious concept. The column wave front behavior, instead, should be the...

Comparative Simulation of Oil Weathering
Oil spills in the aquatic environment, an unfortunately more and more common occurrence, cause contamination effects which negatively impact water quality, health of ecosystems and water...

Comparison of Methods for Sizing Secondary Treatment Filters for Wastewater
The trickling filter process in which a bacterial biomass is allowed to grow attached to a filter medium of rock or plastic is effectively used for removal of organic materials in domestic...

Study of Biological Reactors for Control of Odor, VOC and Toxic Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants
An experiment was performed to assess the use of biological reactors to treat off-gases from publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) containing low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)...

Denitrification of Ground Water/Waste Water using the Aquacel System
Within the United States there are vast reserves of ground water which are no longer suitable for drinking because of high concentration (> 10 mg/l NO3-N) nitrates. Furthermore,...

Treatment of Wet Weather Discharges in Columbus, Georgia
The City of Columbus, Georgia and the Columbus Water Works (CWW) instigated a combined sewer overflow (CS 0) control program to protect the Chattahoochee River against adverse impacts...

Rock Riprap for Grade Control
Rock chutes (riprap channels on steep slopes) are used as grade control structures to safely conduct a water flow to a lower elevation. Common procedures used for design of rock riprap...

Grade-Control Structures for Salt River Channelization
Soil cement grade-control structures have been designed and constructed in conjunction with channelization projects along the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona. The structures were designed...

Comparison of Stochastic Programming and Robust Optimization Models for Groundwater Plume Containment
Stochastic optimization models for containing a groundwater contaminant plume through the installation and operation of pumping wells are developed. Two related formulations are presented?stochastic...

The Impact of Numerical Precision on Optimal Groundwater Hydraulic Control
The numerical precision retained in the formulation of groundwater hydraulic control optimization problems can have significant impacts on the accuracy of the solution. Sources of imprecision...

Optimization of Groundwater Remediation with DES
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are non-derivative-based and stochastic op timization methods which simulate the natural evolution process. A type of EA, Derandomized Evolution Strategy...

Drought Experiences of Ohio and Their Applications in the DAR-JAI River Basin of Taiwan
The shortage of water due to droughts could cause tremendous environmental and economical impacts to the affected area such as the unsuitability for aquatic life and the inadequacy for...

The Reclamation Drought Index: Guidelines and Practical Applications
Drought is a familiar occurrence that lacks the drama and immediacy of other natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes, but the economic repercussions can be equally...





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