The Danby Pipe Renovation System
This paper describes a pipe renovation system and its structural characteristics which is cost effective and technically suitable in all sizes of pipe from 8 inches (200 mm) to the largest...

Rebuilding Buried Pipelines Without Digging
Advances and refinements in trenchless reconstruction technologies now permit system rebuilding of gravity and low pressure pipelines without excavation. Through the use of cured-in-place...

Network Modeling in a Water System with Ferrous Deposits
This paper presents the experiences and results of a network modeling study. A model for the University of Idaho water supply system was developed and verified to the extent possible with...

A Comprehensive Algorithm for Network Calibration
An explicit calibration algorithm is proposed which provides the direct and rapid adjustment of the pipe roughness coefficients and junction node demands that exactly meet a specified...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

On the Design of Laminated Composite Flange: A Model with Experimental Verification
A parametric model has been developed for the optimum design of laminated composite flange. The study focuses on the evaluation and performance optimization of composite flanges with the...

Factors Affecting the Incremental Stiffness of Particle Assemblies
A simple numerical experiment was performed on an assembly of densely packed spheres in order to investigate the factors that affect an assembly's incremental stiffness. The...

Pipeline Crossings
This proceedings of the Pipeline Crossings Conference, held on March 25-27, 1991 in Denver, Colorado, presents information on aspects of various pipeline crossings. It covers such broad...

Cables Not in Trouble
Cable-stayed bridges in the U.S. are not, contrary to reports widely disseminated in the press several years ago, about to fail from corrosion. The design, in which primary cables support...

Pipeline Rehab: Underground Options
While simply digging up old pipes and replacing them is sometimes still best, other alternatives can give long life while easing the strain on the community. Trenchless methods for on-line...

Watertight and Earthquake Resistant Joints for Diaphragm Walls
Different types of joints were constructed and tested in the field to evaluate the bond between concrete and partition plate, the effect of tremie pipe location to the quality of concrete...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...

The Sedimentary Organisation and Behaviour of Drift-Aligned Gravel Barriers
Drift-aligned barriers formed of coarse clastic materials and described in terms of their organisational evolution at two levels, a) sorting and selection of clasts; b) development of...

Sorting Characteristics of Tidal Inlets
An hypothesis is presented as follows: Littoral processes at a tidal inlet remove a disproportionately higher quantity of fine grain sediment than coarse grain sediment from the littoral...

Permeability of Cement Grout Plugs in Basaltic Rocks
Flow tests have been conducted on expansive cement grout plugs with diameters of 160 mm and 200 mm, and length-to-diameter ratios of one, in boreholes in basalt blocks, and in steel pipes....

Composite Liner, Leak Detection System, and Floating Cover for Nuclear Reactor Emergency Retention Basins
Existing reactor effluent basins are being retrofitted with composite liners, leak detection system and floating covers. Such basins have a 15-year life and remain empty until an accident...

Information Entropy and Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering decisions are often made with limited information. In such cases it is useful to express uncertain quantities with a probability distribution. The use of information...

Pressure-Time Flow Measurements Under Adverse Conditions
Theoretical analyses suggest that the pressure-time method is capable of accurately determining flow rate in the short, varying cross section, 'semi-scroll' penstocks...

Penstock Rehabilitation
The deterioration of aging penstocks is a common problem at many existing hydroelectric plants. A comprehensive understanding of the physical condition and functional limitations of an...





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