The Application of Streamflow Duration Curves in Water Resources Engineering
Streamflow duration curves are a useful graphical and analytical tool for illustrating the relationship between the frequency and magnitude of daily streamflow. They are commonly used...

Hydraulic Properties of Surface Runoff on Ash-Mixed Concrete Pavement
The disposal of incinerated sludge ash from wastewater treatment plants is becoming an increasingly difficult problem in highly populated cities. The feasibility of reusing sludge ash...

Changing Dam Operating Criteria to Accommodate Aquatic Biological Diversity
The Colorado squawfish, bonytail chub, humpback chub, and razorback sucker, now threatened with extinction, were once the dominant fishes in the river. Recovering these native species...

Instream Flow Policy: An Alternative to Minimum Flowby
The limitations of current instream flow policies based on the concept of minimum flowby are discussed. An alternative policy based on sharing the available resource among competing uses...

Sustainable Management of Existing Reservoirs
Instead of a design and planning of new reservoirs in the future, more emphasis will be placed on the management of existing reservoirs. Reservoir storage reallocation and reassessment...

A Decision Support System for Administering Water Rights in an Alluvial Aquifer
A previously developed basin scale surface-ground water simulation model has been incorporated into a micro-computer based decision support system that simulates the transient ground water...

Application of the PCRSS Reservoir Simulation Model to the Salt River Project
PCRSS is a general purpose reservoir system model construction kit. It allows the user to specify the system configuration and parameters through the use of a windows based graphic user...

A Decision Support System for Multi-Purpose Reservoir Operations
A generalized decision support system (DSS) is presented for developing optimal operation policies for multi-purpose reservoirs. The model is designed for single reservoirs, although is...

Instream Flow Strategies for Operation of the Federal Central Valley Project
Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) operations and policies of reservoir storage and river releases for fish and wildlife protection and restoration are discussed. Prescribed strategies...

A Physically Based Conceptual Model for Simulating Contaminant Levels in Subsurface Water
A conceptual physical model is developed to simulate solute transport and mixing in the vadose (unsaturated) and groundwater zones. The conceptual model couples lumped-parameters models...

Changes of Water Rights - The Colorado Experience
This paper describes engineering efforts which are involved with the judicial changes of water rights in the State of Colorado....

Object-oriented Model of Colorado River Salinity
A salt balance is incorporated into an object-oriented river-basin model and applied to the Colorado River. The model simulates seasonal variations in the basin's water balance and employs...

Prediction of Gravel Bedload with SAM
Bedload measurements for Little Beaver Creek in Colorado were used to test the sediment transport functions included in SAM. The test results showed that Toffaleti predicts total bedload...

Modeling Flow in Variably-Saturated Porous Media
An expression for effective hydraulic conductivity to solve groundwater flow problems is developed. Also, a refined Monte Carlo (MC) simulation procedure is proposed. The developed methodologies...

Water Resource Modeling and Consensus Building
The steps undertaken to develop consensus with respect to analyzing a complex and competitive water resources/water rights situation through the development of a simulation model are described....

Simulating Hourly Hydropower Operations for the Assessment of Environmental and Economic Impact
Generation of peaking power at Glen Canyon Dam causes river flow and stage to fluctuate on an hourly basis. This has been shown to impact the downstream physical and biological environment....

Integration of Water Rights and Network Flow Modeling in the Upper Snake River Basin
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region and Denver Office are working to enhance the ability to integrate hydrological and institutional modeling capabilities for use...

PROSIM - A Water Rights-Based Operational Simulation Model of the Provo River
The development and initial application of a computer model of the hydrology, water rights, and operation of the Provo and Weber rivers in Utah are described. The new FORTRAN model PROSIM...

Recent Advances In Well Hydraulics
Most books and papers on well hydraulics are mostly or entirely aquifer hydraulics. The phrase, 'well hydraulics,' implies a study of the flow into and within a well proper. There has...

Effect of Nonstandard Rainfall Distributions on Stormwater Management Detention Basins
A rural watershed is modeled to determine the effect of varying rainfall patterns on stormwater management detention basins designed for center peaking events. A hydrologic model of the...





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