A Natural Cleanup
For almost 30 years, nonvolatile petroleum hydrocarbons from used motor oil, diesel, gasoline and other automotive fluids had been released to an oil sum at a truck-maintenance facility...

Superfund: New Leadership, Old Problems
The often contentious Superfund program faces a Democratic administration�the first one since its inception�and reauthorization by a new congress, armed with a mandate to cut government...

Sampling Sediment on a Complex Site
The remedial design of a complex Superfund site hinged on a variety of sampling methods required by the site's diverse terrain. Cadmium, lead, cobalt and nickel are the culprits...

Seismic Stabilization of St. Joe State Park Tailings Dams
Tailings dams constructed by the `upstream' method are known to be seismically vulnerable, but field experience indicates that their seismic stability usually improves following termination...

Sedimentation Pond Removal in Eastern Ohio Coal Mining
Due to the large number of sedimentation ponds used in surface coal mining, efficient, economical, and environmentally acceptable methods for sedimentation pond removal and reclamation...

Recycled Roads
The movement to recycle wastes in highways appears to be gathering momentum nationwide. Rubber from old tires, wood chips, reclaimed asphalt pavement, fly ash, scrap plastic, mining wastes...

Preliminary Assessment of Fault Rupture Hazard at the Yucca Mountain Site Based on Expert Judgement
The judgments of seven earth science experts were elicited to quantify the uncertainties associated with the likelihood of fault displacement through the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain...

Sensitivity Analyses for Total-System Performance Assessment
As a follow-on to Sandia's 1991 preliminary total-system performance assessment of the Yuc1ca Mountain site, this paper presents results of some sensitivity analyses that were done using...

The Development of the CRWMS Transportation System
The Transportation System of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) is being developed using a system engineering approach to ensure it is properly integrated into the...

Development of the Planning and Control Segment, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current plans for the development of the Planning and Control segment of the SRWMS Transportation System. Each of the four Planning and Control subsystems are...

Development of the Service & Maintenance Segment of the Transportation System
This paper discusses the progress to date in establishing the Service and Maintenance Segment of the Transportation System required to maintain the equipment required to transport spent...

Development of the Field Operations and Carrier Segments, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current status and plans for the development of the Field Operations and Carriage segments of the Transportation System of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management...

Site and Facility Waste Transportation Planning Documents (SPDs): Status and Findings
Site and Facility Waste Transportation Services Planning Documents (SPDs) are detailed desk-top reference documents that initiate planning for shipping commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF)...

IAEA Activities in Long-Term Storage of Spent Fuel
According to its Statute, one of the main goals of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of Atomic Agency to peace, health and prosperity...

The Long Term Interim Storage of Spent AGR Fuel
This paper describes the work undertaken by Scottish Nuclear Ltd. on the proposal to construct a naturally cooled dry store for spent advanced gas cooled reactor fuel at Tornes Power Station,...

Interim Dry Storage of CANDU Fuel
The Canadian approach to permanent disposal of used CANDU fuel is directed toward its storage in suitable containers emplaced into an underground, stable, plutonic rock formation. Reprocessing...

Spent Fuel Interim Storage: French Experience with Dry Vaults
This paper explains the main criteria which are applied as well as measures taken to preserve cladding integrity for the foreseen duration of storage. It discusses in detail the double...

Cask Storage Verification Test?Full Scale Test
In Japan, the cask-storage method of spent fuel will be licensed in the near future and the related R&D works (partly of the Japanese Government have been carried out mainly by...

Hanford Waste Vitrification Project Overview and Status
The Hanford Waste Vitrification Project (HWVP) is being constructed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Richland, Washington. The paper gives an overview of the HWVP which...

Human Factors Engineering Program Plan for the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
The paper describes the overall human factors program plan while providing more specific information regarding the critical areas of criteria development, dispersed control areas and key...





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