Modeling Pool and Riffle Sequences in Alluvial Channels
A one-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to predict the hydraulic characteristics of alluvial channels under low flow conditions. For a given steady discharge, channel geometry,...
Goals and Objectives in Design of Detention Outlets
Goals are the broad general purposes of the detention pond and its outlet works. A typical goal for a detention pond would be to help manage storm runoff so as to maintain historic conditions...
Kinematic Shock: A Sensitivity Analysis
A series of numerical experiments is performed to determine the flow and channel characteristics that are most conducive to kinematic wave steepening and associated shock phenomena. A...
Fluorescent Tracer Mixing Experiments in Glenmore Reservoir, Calgary
Mixing studies using salt and dye as tracers were conducted in Glenmore Reservoir which is the major water supply for the City of Calgary, Alberta. The purpose of the studies was to find...
Plastic and Other Limit State Methods for Design Evaluation
These proceedings consist of seven papers dealing with the topic of the design of complex structures using limit state methods. The emphasis is on the role of plastic or limit load techniques....
Economics and Groundwater
The increasing use of groundwater has resulted in greater lifts, and coupled with increased energy costs is focusing more attention on the economics of groundwater use. The proceedings...
Pipeline Materials and Design
The proper use of pipeline materials and design is obviously paramount in the private and public works sectors. The introduction and proper use of new piping materials and design procedures...
Design and Operation of Pipeline Control Systems
More and more of the time of the engineer involved in the design and construction of a pipeline project is devoted to problems relating to the control systems to operate and monitor the...
Operational Cloud Seeding Projects in the Western United States
The physical concepts of weather modification were developed and tested in the mid 1940's by Vincent Schafer and Bernard Vonnegut. Since that time, many projects have come...
Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering
Increased application of computer aided design and drafting encouraged the organization of the symposium from which this book was derived. The papers presented at the symposium and included...
Innovative and Affordable Residential Development
The rise in cost of land, housing construction and financing over recent decades has seriously reduced the number of those eligible for home loans. These and other cost factors are carefully...
Applications of Small Computers in Construction
These proceedings are from a technical session sponsored by the Task Committee on the Application of Small Computers in Construction of the Construction Division. Five papers are presented....
Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
Performance, Design and Construction
Lifeline Earthquake Engineering: Performance, Design and Construction is a follow-up publication to the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering publication Advisory Notes...
Sedimentation Consolidation Models?Predictions and Validation
In very soft sediments, questions have arisen concerning the capability of standard computational techniques used to implement calculations. The problems mainly lie in the manner in which...
Professional Inspection of Construction
The Nation's deteriorating infrastructure is finally receiving the attention it deserves. As a result of this attention, a 5? per gallon gasoline tax has been passed. This...
Analysis and Design of Pile Foundations
Piles are one of the oldest type of foundation system known to man and as such have been previously studied in depth based on available modeling and monitoring techniques. An increased...
Structural Engineering in Nuclear Facilities
The papers in this publication cover the general theme of civil and structural engineering as they are applied to nuclear facilities. Traditional topics include seismic analysis, impactive...
Structural Plastics Design Manual
The structural behavior of plastics reflects a number of characteristics different from those of the metal, lumber, and concrete materials familiar to most design engineers. This manual...
Consulting Engineering
How Can Manual 45 be Improved?
Management Planning for Survival and Growth
Essential factors in company growth are the identification of client needs and wants and recognition of the needs and constraints of the organization. Successes are generated by timely,...
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