Forecasting and Warning for Mt. St. Helens Streams
The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in southern Washington on May 18, 1980, created great devastation both by the blast itself and by mudflows generated by melting snow and ice. Several hydrologic...
Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format (SHEF) for Automated Data Transmission
The Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format (SHEF) is a standardized system of encoding data transmissions for both manual and automated processing. SHEF features include (a) readability by...
Small Hydropower Development for Mining Industry
In deep mines, large refrigeration systems are employed to condition the working air to help control temperature and humidity. Large quantities of water are required to be brought into...
Field Flow Measurement of Hydro-Turbine Efficiency
Performance tests were conducted at Great Northern Paper (GNP) Company's Weldon Hydroelectric Station. The purpose of the tests was to calibrate the Winter-Kennedy taps and...
Hydro-Thermal Power Plants with Pumped Storage
The concept of pumped storage can be justified through the development of hydro-thermal power plants. The hydraulic equipment for power plants of this kind is available in the market meeting...
Alternative Layouts for Hydro Headrace Tunnels
The recent development of tunnel boring machines capable of excavating hard rock at virtually any grade together with the Norwegian experience in compressed air surge tanks provides the...
Integrated Small Hydro Energy Development
Small hydro power development integrated with other renewable energy sources is economical. Civil engineering components if suitably selected and designed reduce power development costs...
Sedimentation in Small Hydropower Reservoirs
Small-scale hydropower projects, which usually include reservoirs of limited size, may inherently incorporate severe sedimentation problems. The ratio of reservoir volume to sediment inflow...
Hydrogen Cycle Peak Power at Low-Head Sites
A major draw back to further development of low-head hydro power is that it usually uses run-of-the-river operations. The storage potential for peaking power production that large reservoirs...
Hydropower Plant on an Irrigation Pipeline
A 940-kW hydroelectric plant was installed on a renovated irrigation pipeline at a Bishop, California ranch. On its way to the ranch, the falling water now generates an average of 4. 2...
Power from a Water Supply System: A Resource Which Can Be Tapped
There are numerous water supply systems from which hydroelectric power could be developed without impending the regular operational schedule. The basic principle of operation is not different...
Negotiating a FERC License for the Terror Lake Project
Recently, a long, intense negotiation was completed over the Terror Lake Hydropower project on Kodiak Island in Alaska. The bargaining over the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)...
Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...
Small Scale Hydropower Design Optimization
A method is presented by which the hydraulic design of small hydropower facilities can be economically optimized and then tested for sensitivity to variations in hydrologic prediction....
Computer-Aided Preliminary Optimization Model for Low-Head Micro-Hydro Installations
It is demonstrated with applications, that the use of a computer-aided preliminary optimization model can help evaluate the overall technical and economic characteristics of low-head hydro...
Incorporating a Hydro Plant into a Municipal Water System
While recently reformulating water use strategy and policy in association with the development of a new water supply reservoir, a large North Carolina municipality was prompted to assess...
Walden Hydroelectric Power Project
The Wallkill River at Walden, New York, produced hydroelectric power from 1909 to 1966. Using turbines dating back to the original hydroelectric development, the Walden hydroelectric station...
Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project--From Concept to Reality
The project has progressed through a series of predictable development stages including a detailed feasibility study, major project licensing, an environmental Initial Study and Negative...
Hannibal Hydroelectric Project Ecological Concerns
In January, 1983 the City of New Martinsville, West Virginia filed a license application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to construct and operate a 34 MW hydroelectric...
Factory-Built Pump Stations for Water Service
Booster pumps for fire protection in tall buildings and small sewage pump stations have been available for many years as factory-built packages. These packages include pumps, motors, controls,...
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