Applications of Point-Slope Reservoir Routing
The point-slope method of routing flood flow through a reservoir uses point functions rather than the time incremental functions of conventional methods. It can be used to give an accurate...

Flood Travel Time
The effects of infiltration on the flood travel time are investigated. In flood prediction, the physical domain for flood cumulation is expressed by the period of time for water to travel...

Discharge Characteristics of Labyrinth Weirs
The hydraulic performance of labyrinth weirs is developed from data obtained from flume studies and site specific models. Using dimensional analysis, an equation for the discharge is developed...

Pipe Spillway Plunge Pool Design Equations
An equation is given to determine if scour holes will beach and widen excessively. For nonbeaching scour holes, dimensionless equations are given for the progression of scour with time...

Riprap Sizing-Four Methods
A comparison summary is provided for sizing of riprap by four methods: Isbash, Froude, Tractive Force - Logarithmic Velocity Profile (TFL), and Tractive Force - Power Velocity Profile...

Adjustable Speed Pumping for Irrigation Networks
Adjustable speed technology can be an economically viable method of accommodating the significant fluctuations in flow and pressure produced by certain irrigation networks. Combinations...

Avoiding Cavitation Damage to Hydraulic Structures
Cavitation damage often may be avoided by not allowing cavities to form. Where boundaries are not deeply submerged, their shape must be exactly correct, irregularities must be very small,...

Modeling Aeration Devices for Glen Canyon Dam
The 41-ft (12. 5-m) diameter tunnel spillways at Glen Canyon Dam experienced major damage during the 1983 spring runoff. This damage was initiated by cavitation. Hydraulic model studies...

Cavitation in Various Types of Shear Flow
Cavitation in turbulent shear flow depends on the intensity and spectral characteristics of the pressure fluctuations in a Lagrangian frame of reference as well as depending on the concentration...

Cavitation Inception from Cylindrical Holes
The inception of cavitation due to circular holes in a boundary is studied. Laboratory experiments were conducted to define limited cavitation as a function of the hole depth to diameter...

Prototype Studies of Corps of Engineers Structures Experiencing Cavitation Damage
A number of Corps of Engineers structures have sustained damage caused by the occurrence of cavitation. The damage has varied from slight pitting to severe erosion. The damage has occurred...

Aeration is the Solution for Sluice Cavitation Damage at Libby Dam, Montana
Cavitation has severely damaged two of the high-head flood control sluices. The damaged areas were immediately patched; however, these patches were not considered a solution to the problem....

Laboratory Studies of Cavitation in Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Structures
A selected bibliography of significant hydraulic laboratory research efforts by the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to identify the likelihood of and means of preventing...

Movable-Bed Model Investigation of Littoral Drift on the Intake and Outlet of Lin-Kou Power Plant (I)
The establishment and operation of a distorted movable-bed model of the cooling water intake and outlet is described. The model employed is a three-dimensional movable-bed Froude model...

Prediction of Dam Overtopping Due to Mudflows
The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 resulted in a small mudflow into Swift reservoir, which is located immediately south of the mountain. An engineering/geologic study was...

Modeling of a Multifunctional Hydraulic Structure
A 1:12 scale Froude model of a hydraulic control structure in the Rochester Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program (RCSOAP) was constructed and tested to optimize the design requirements...

Physical Hydraulic Modeling for a Small Hydroelectric Redevelopment
In the development of a small hydroelectric project, the operating head on the plant is usually limited. On these projects, the need to minimize head losses and eliminating other factors...

Unsteady Mixing of a Buoyant Jet into a Reservoir
A buoyant effluent was dyed with fluorescent dye on two occasions to determine its mixing characteristics and flow path through a small hydropower reservoir located in south central Arkansas....

Experimental Study of Stratified Cooling Ponds
Experiments in a laboratory physical model were conducted to analyze the hydrothermal performance of vertically stratified cooling ponds. Temperature, velocity, and fluorescent dye measurements...

Streamflow Measurement and Analysis for Northwest Rangelands
Watershed hydrologic and sedimentation investigations on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho were initiated in 1960. Major objectives of the watershed research...





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