Numerical Modeling of Downstream Impacts Resulting from Hydropower Operations
Hydropower peaking operations often have downstream impacts that require an accurate assessment. A one-dimensional implicit finite difference numerical model has been used to accurately...
Flow and Scour Patterns around Gabion Structures
There is a need for simple, inexpensive and effective means for streambank protection and fish habitat enhancement. Initial results are presented of laboratory research on the performance...
Local Scour at Fish Rocks
There is a growing interest in the enhancement of rearing habitat for juvenile anadromous fish in the Pacific Northwest. This has focused attention on the need for a better understanding...
Modeling Multiple Spur Schemes to Control Bank Erosion
A natural consequence of the meandering tendencies characteristic of all streams, is streambank erosion. The problem has taken on particular interest recently, focusing on erosion problems...
Willamette River Adjustments to New Spur Dikes
Severe bank erosion has caused recent local losses of up to 30 ft (9 m) per year of prime agricultural land along a half-mile (800 m) reach of the Willamette River, Oregon. The U. S. Army...
Intake-Shoaling and Pump-Vibration Problems
Iowa Generation's Council Bluffs Unit 3 circulating water-intake structure has experienced two major problems: (1) formation of sand bars in front of the trash racks during...
Operating Experience--Fine-Mesh Traveling Screens
Start-up and operating results for a new screenhouse at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, 50 miles (80 km) downstream from Minneapolis/St. Paul, are compared to design assumptions....
Passive-Intake System for a Shallow Sand-Bed River
The Jeffrey Energy Center draws its cooling water make-up from the Kansas River near Belvue, Kansas. At this site, the Kansas River is a shallow sand-bed river of constantly changing bottom...
Japanese Experience with Intake Designs
To diversify its power sources, Japan has operating or under construction some 37 nuclear power units. This technology and the design criteria are imported from the U. S. The power plants...
Design of Selective Withdrawal Intake Structures
An overview is presented of the general methodology used by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in the design of selective withdrawal intake structures. Considered are the types of structures...
Report on Task Committee's Scope and Findings
A Task Committee for the Design of Outlet Control structures studied the state-of-the-art practices concerning the hydraulic function, water quality, public safety, maintenance and aesthetic...
Safety, Maintenance, and Aesthetic Considerations Associated with Outlet Control Structures for Stormwater Detention Ponds
Findings of the Task Committee for the Design of Outlet Control Structures, an ASCE Technical Committee, regarding maintenance, safety and aesthetic considerations for stormwater detention...
Design Accuracy of Stormwater Detention Basins
While the stormwater detention basin is the most frequently used method for controlling runoff from developing areas in the United States, there appears to be no statement of the probable...
Outlet Hydraulics vs. Storage Requirements
In many cases developers must use a portion of their land for temporary detention of storm runoff in order to comply with local ordinances. A simple method is outlined which yields the...
Evaluation of Two-Stage Outlet Hydraulics
A two-stage detention basin is an effective storm water management tool. This type of basin is designed to control two storm events and it will tend to perform better than a single-stage...
Detention Pond Outlet Design for Pollution Control
Stormwater runoff detention ponds were originally developed for the control of flooding and the designs of the outlet control structure must be modified to obtain pollution control objectives....
High Streamflow Behaviors in the Ohio River Basin
The intensity function, which describes the severity of the flood occurrences, is a critical factor in flood control and reservoir operation. It is found that the occurrence rates of high...
A Three Dimensional Hydraulic Jump
A study is conducted to define the three-dimensional hydraulic jump that occurs in a rectangular channel downstream of a rectangular contracted sluice gate. A sequent depth ratio equation...
Reservoir System Management for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...
Hydrology for River Management: The Belle River
Crop damages in recent years prompted farmers to back an effort to clean portions of a large inter-county drain. Other groups with conflicting interests pressed for a study of the impact...
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