Accurate Computation of Nonlinear Advection
Advection, the transport of a quantity by the mean velocity, is a process which appears in virtually all equations of free-surface hydraulics. The demonstrated accuracy and efficiency...
Boundary Element Analysis of Flow in Heterogenous Porous Media
The boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is an efficient numerical method which has been applied to a wide variety of engineering problems governed by a partial differential equation...
Higher-Order Methods for Transient Free-Surface Flows
One-dimensional transient free-surface flows in open channels are described by a set of quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations, called the Saint-Venant equations. Numerical...
Predicting Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines
A two-dimensional, finite-difference numerical model is used to simulate the drainage of ground water into a surface coal mine. Graphs of dimensionless head as a function of dimensionless...
Numerical Modeling of Flow in Hydropower Intakes
To reduce high mortality of downstream migrating juvenile salmon at hydraulic turbines, traveling screens are used to guide the juveniles into a bypass channel for safe passage. However,...
Water and Sediment Movement in Irrigation Furrows
Water movement in an irrigation furrow is simulated by numerically solving the governing equations of continuity and momentum for unsteady, spacially varied flow in a pervious bed open...
Hydraulic Testing of a Large Make-Up Pipeline
A 37 mile pipeline which consists of sections of 114 inch, 96 inch and 66 inch pipes was constructed for delivering secondary sewage effluents for power plant makeup. During initial operations,...
Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...
Hydraulic Analysis of Water Transmission Flowing Party Full
The hydraulic behavior of a transmission line that flows full along only part of its length is more difficult to analyze than a completely full line. Unsteady open-channel and closed-conduit...
Stability of Method of Characteristics
For the analysis of waterhammer, the first-order accurate method of characteristics (MOC) has been widely used for which Courant condition for stability has been developed neglecting the...
Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Pipelines
General purpose computer software packages are being used more frequently in the hydraulic design of pipeline systems. The areas where the use of such packages are advantageous over earlier...
Vacuum Assisted Pipelines Operation
In the process of upgrading the sewerage facilities for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it was decided to combine two existing facilities into one new facility. This required the design of three...
Milwaukee Sewerage District Interplant Pipeline
The pipeline is intended to transfer solids between the Jones Island and South Shore treatment works a distance of approximately 12 miles (19. 3 km). The 4 conduit pipeline comprising...
The Design and Construction of the Bartletts Ferry Labyrinth Weir Spillway
The discharge capacity of the Bartletts Ferry Project has been increased 165 percent by the addition of a labyrinth weir spillway. The hydraulic design was based on a published design...
Hydrotest Rupture of Penstuck Liner at Bath County
Bath County is the construction site of Virginia Electric and Power Company's pumped storage project. Rupture of a penstock liner during hydrotest at high pressure threatened...
Instruments Detect Dam Movement During Construction
Recent attention has been given to retrofitting electrical generation facilities at existing dams. Maintaining a safe structure during construction, and accomplishing this within a budget...
Willow Creek Dam--To Be or Not To Be
In Heppner, Oregon, several alternatives for flood control were considered. A concrete gravity dam constructed using roller compaction methods was selected because of the greatly reduced...
Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Spillways--Summer 1983
Flood control at Glen Canyon Dam is provided by a 41-ft (12. 5-m) diameter tunnel spillway in each abutment. Each spillway is designed to pass 138,000 ft**3/sec (3907. 7 m**3/sec). The...
Valuable Design Insights Derived from Construction and Operation of Kinzua Dam
A number of design alternatives have surfaced during more than 17 years of operating experience at Kinzua Dam which should be useful in the design, construction, and operation of other...
A Nebraska Power District's Experience in Stabilizing by Silt Injection
The structures, rolled earth and concrete, of the Central Nebraska Project are constructed on foundations of loessial soils that range from a few feet to more than 100 feet in depth. The...
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