Plunge Pool Erosion in Cohesive Soils at Two Dams in Kansas
Results of a field study of two plunge pools scoured by horizontal pipe outlets discharging on cohesive channels are analyzed. Formulas for critical tractive shear stress based on plasticity...

Incipient Resuspension of Silt-Clay Sediment
The laboratory study of incipient motion of fine-grained cohesive sediment under oscillatory flow, unidirectional flow and the combined effects of oscillatory and unidirectional flow is...

Development of Response Plans for Toxic Spills
A plan is proposed for managing the response to a toxic spill into a river system and the minimization of its effects on water utilities, industry and the environment. As technical aids...

Modeling Effects of Toxicants on Aquatic Systems
Potential effects of chemicals on biomass production in aquatic systems are extrapolated from laboratory toxicological assays. The extrapolation requires that the effect of acute toxicity...

Cost-Effective Water Quality Management and Risks
Environmental regulations typically specify applicable streamflow conditions for compliance with water quality standards. The level of streamflow specified is one of the most significant...

Risk Analysis in Water Quality Control
Design of facilities for the control of water quality is usually predicated upon some explicit expectation of performance. In reality, unit operation efficiency, system operation, model...

Decision Analysis of Coal Ash Disposal Technology
Coal-fired power plants produce a number of solid waste streams in the course of their operation. These coal combustion by-products (CCBPs) are composed of fly ash, bottom ash and boiler...

Hydraulic Uncertainty in Risk Analysis
Considerable effort has been expended in defining and evaluating hydrologic uncertainties; however, the analysis and evaluation of hydraulic uncertainties has received little attention....

Dynamic Reliability Models for Hydraulic Structures
In addition to the determination of capacity and layout of hydraulic structures under normal design, one other important but related task that faces engineers is the evaluation of reliability....

Risk Analysis in Dam Safety Programs
There are about 68,000 dams in the Nation. About 95 percent of the dams are nonfederal; the balance are owned by various agencies of the federal government. Over 30 percent of the high...

Reliability Analysis as Reflected from the Fourth International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics
Reliability analysis is perhaps one of the most practically important branches of the general field of stochastic hydraulics. Its potential applications include quantitative evaluation...

Scour and Fill Monitoring at Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement), Mississippi River
Information gathered during construction of the first stage dam is presented. The information consists of data indicating flows and stages along with data obtained from surveys which monitor...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

Numerical Simulation of the Bed Armoring Process
The stability of a river channel depends to a great extent on sediment characteristics. If the amount of sediment coming into a given reach for some reason becomes less than the river's...

RCC Dam Incorporates Innovative Hydraulic Features
An overview of the features of Monksville Dam is presented, with emphasis on the hydraulic components of the project. This 150-foot (45-meter) high roller compacted concrete structure...

Overtopping of Flood Control Levees and Floodwalls
The risk of overtopping can be significant for flood control levees or floodwalls, and the consequences can be costly and potentially catastrophic. Designs using superiority can force...

Numerical Flood Routing for Natural Channels
A numerical model has been developed for simulating the propagation of a flood wave in a natural channel. Using this numerical model, the influence of the factors affecting the motion...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Mechanics of Mudflows
A Bingham model is adopted to study the fluid mechanics of mudflows. Equations for predicting the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in an open channel are formulated and verified...

Analysis of Partially Filled Circular Storm Sewers
The classic design approach uses Manning's formula. Comparisons between analytical results obtained in this manner and the many available experimental results indicate substantial...





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