The Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs
The major programs addressing environmental effects of dredging and disposal that have been or are being conducted by the Corps since 1973 are: Dredged Material Research Program, Dredging...
Practicality of Advance Maintenance: Savannah Harbor
Advance maintenance of navigation channels can involve deepening, widening, side slope dredging, or a combination of these. Because advance maintenance in Savannah Harbor has only involved...
Dredging-Related Considerations in Navigation Channel Design
In the design of a navigation project, the channel depth, width, and alignment for a given set of navigation requirements are dependent on physical, hydrodynamic, and sedimentological...
Current Issues in Rock Dredging
An attractive alternative to the use of explosives for deepening shipping channels is the improvement of the rock cutter suction dredger. But, assessing the capability and design parameters...
Fundamentals of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminated dredged material disposed in subaqueous sites may be chemically and biologically isolated by covering or capping with a layer of clean material. The capping concept is simple;...
PCB Contaminated Sediments from Petit-de-Grat, Canada
In Canada, ocean disposal of dredged materials is regulated by the Ocean Dumping Control Act. Included within the schedules of regulated substances are organochlorine compounds, such as...
Confined Disposal Area for Port Hueneme Harbor, Calif.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for maintenance of harbors along the Coast of California from Morro Bay Harbor to San Diego Harbor. As part of this...
Alternative Upland Disposal Techniques for Dredged Material in Urban Areas
The project involves the dredging and disposal of 750,000 cubic yards of soft organic silts from a 32 mile long manmade Canal that tranverses through Central New Jersey and is known as...
Dispersal of Wastewater in the Ocean--A Cascade of Processes at Increasing Scales
An engineering system for marine waste disposal is described. Design decisions are based on broad categories of input information: the complete description of the waste to be discharged;...
Mixed Layer Modelling of Stratification in Lakes
Mathematical models for vertical heat transfer processes in lakes and reservoirs are grouped into two classes: diffusion models and mixed layer models. In recent years much of the progress...
Modeling of Estuarial Hydrodynamics and Water Quality
The estuary is perhaps the most complex environmental system with which the analyst must deal. Driven largely by tides and hydrologic fluxes, its hydromechanical behavior is further modified...
Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...
Buoyant Jet Solution with Synthetic Entrainment Function
A synthetic entrainment function is proposed for buoyant jets discharged at an arbitrary angle into otherwise quiescent ambient fluids. The entrainment function consists of two separate...
Steady-Site Dispersion of Pollutants in Rivers Near Sewage or Drainage Outfalls
A theoretical model is developed for determination of concentration distribution of pollutants in a river. Pollution is caused by the disposal followed by dispersion of sewage or drainage...
Effects of High Sediment Concentrations on Velocity and Sediment Distributions
Several classifications are required to describe sediment-transporting flow. The flow may be turbulent or laminar, Newtonian or non-Newtonian, and may also have a uniform or nonuniform...
High Sediment Concentrations Require High In-Channel/Supply of Sediment
Flows with high sediment concentrations (greater than 10 percent by weight) most commonly occur either as debris flows in steep channels throughout the world, or as hyperconcentrated flows...
Flow Parameters of Fluid Mud
A set of small-scale, high-resolution velocity and stress sensors based on rugged metal-clad hot wires and epoxy-encapsulated hot films is to be evaluated for its performance characteristics...
Effects of Fines in Gravel Bed Streams Behavior
A model-gravel bed stream is studied in the laboratory. Flow visualization of bedload motion correlates with bursting phenomena near the bed. The bedload variation as a result of the addition...
Movement of Tractive Sediment from Disturbed Lands
The Smoky Creek basin of the coal area of northeastern Tennessee shows extensive evidence of tractive movement of coarse sediment from mined tributary basins into the main channel. Coal-rich...
Numerical Model of Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 26
Replacement work was initiated in November 1979. The first stage cofferdam constricted about half of the river channel. As a result, the flow velocity at the constriction increased causing...
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