Automated Walking Cycle for Swinging Ladder Dredge
The unique application of a Swinging Ladder Dredge to perform maintenance dredging in the cooling canal system of the Turkey Point Power Plant demanded the design of a semi-automated dredge...

Water Quality Management Techniques for Reservoirs
The curtailment of nutrient, organic matter, and sediment loads to reservoirs is a direct means for improving water quality. However, the recycling of nutrients and/or the failure to sufficiently...

Dispersal of Wastewater in the Ocean--A Cascade of Processes at Increasing Scales
An engineering system for marine waste disposal is described. Design decisions are based on broad categories of input information: the complete description of the waste to be discharged;...

Risk Analysis in Water Quality Control
Design of facilities for the control of water quality is usually predicated upon some explicit expectation of performance. In reality, unit operation efficiency, system operation, model...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

Hydraulic Testing of a Large Make-Up Pipeline
A 37 mile pipeline which consists of sections of 114 inch, 96 inch and 66 inch pipes was constructed for delivering secondary sewage effluents for power plant makeup. During initial operations,...

Vacuum Assisted Pipelines Operation
In the process of upgrading the sewerage facilities for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it was decided to combine two existing facilities into one new facility. This required the design of three...

Milwaukee Sewerage District Interplant Pipeline
The pipeline is intended to transfer solids between the Jones Island and South Shore treatment works a distance of approximately 12 miles (19. 3 km). The 4 conduit pipeline comprising...

Instruments Detect Dam Movement During Construction
Recent attention has been given to retrofitting electrical generation facilities at existing dams. Maintaining a safe structure during construction, and accomplishing this within a budget...

Valuable Design Insights Derived from Construction and Operation of Kinzua Dam
A number of design alternatives have surfaced during more than 17 years of operating experience at Kinzua Dam which should be useful in the design, construction, and operation of other...

A Nebraska Power District's Experience in Stabilizing by Silt Injection
The structures, rolled earth and concrete, of the Central Nebraska Project are constructed on foundations of loessial soils that range from a few feet to more than 100 feet in depth. The...

Numerical Modeling of Downstream Impacts Resulting from Hydropower Operations
Hydropower peaking operations often have downstream impacts that require an accurate assessment. A one-dimensional implicit finite difference numerical model has been used to accurately...

Intake-Shoaling and Pump-Vibration Problems
Iowa Generation's Council Bluffs Unit 3 circulating water-intake structure has experienced two major problems: (1) formation of sand bars in front of the trash racks during...

Operating Experience--Fine-Mesh Traveling Screens
Start-up and operating results for a new screenhouse at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, 50 miles (80 km) downstream from Minneapolis/St. Paul, are compared to design assumptions....

Japanese Experience with Intake Designs
To diversify its power sources, Japan has operating or under construction some 37 nuclear power units. This technology and the design criteria are imported from the U. S. The power plants...

Movable-Bed Model Investigation of Littoral Drift on the Intake and Outlet of Lin-Kou Power Plant (I)
The establishment and operation of a distorted movable-bed model of the cooling water intake and outlet is described. The model employed is a three-dimensional movable-bed Froude model...

Physical Hydraulic Modeling for a Small Hydroelectric Redevelopment
In the development of a small hydroelectric project, the operating head on the plant is usually limited. On these projects, the need to minimize head losses and eliminating other factors...

Experimental Study of Stratified Cooling Ponds
Experiments in a laboratory physical model were conducted to analyze the hydrothermal performance of vertically stratified cooling ponds. Temperature, velocity, and fluorescent dye measurements...

Reservoir System Management for Hydropower
A study was undertaken to develop a comprehensive reservoir operation simulation model of the Cumberland River Basin, located in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. Hydropower production...

Optimal Real-Time Operation of a Cascade of Hydropower Plants in Central West China
The Longxihe River hydropower system consists of four hydropower plants in series. The four reservoirs are used for flood control and power generation. Among the four reservoirs, only...





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