Formulation of a Hydrologic Model, for Use with Remotely Sensed Data
Research is currently being conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, as well as, many other sites, in the area of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and implementing its application...

Estimating Floodplain Limits for Complicated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Conditions
A new approach for estimating floodplain limits is shown. A hydraulic model with flood routing capabilities is coupled with a hydrologic model to compute river stages. Simulations are...

Mathematical Models for Reservoir Routing Analysis
Various mathematical models exist for the analysis of reservoir flood routing problems. This paper compares recent Runge-Kutta and Euler numerical techniques with the well known Puls approach...

An Integrated Software System for 3DFEMWATER: A 3D Grid Generator, A Graphical Post-Processor, and Additional Analysis Tools
An integrated software system for 3DFEMWATER has been developed to improve the groundwater flow modeling process. The system generates finite-element grids, graphically portrays simulation...

Modeling Two-Dimensional Subsurface Flow, Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals
A two-dimensional model to simulate the subsurface flow, microbial growth-degradation, and transport and biodegradation of chemicals in groundwater environments (2DFATMIC) is developed....

A Two-Dimensional Flow and Hydrogeochemical Transport Model
A two-dimensional flow and hydrogeochemical transport model is designed for estimating the movement and attenuation of chemicals after they are released into subsurface systems. This model...

GIS-Integrated Surface Hydrology System
A GIS-based stormwater management system has been developed for the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners. The model draws all spacial data including watershed parameters, network...

Impact of Digital Elevation Model Grid Size on Extracted Drainage Parameters
The dependence of extracted drainage network properties on the spatial resolution of DEMs is investigated for a study basin. A series of raster DEMs of increasing cell size is generated...

Fate/Transport Modeling of Immiscible LNAPL in Unsaturated Aquifers
In the past ten years since enacting CERCLA and SARA regulations there is a lack of model to adequately address the fate/transport of immiscible constituents in groundwater systems. This...

Application of Vadose Zone Flow and Transport Models
This paper summarizes application of two subsurface flow and transport models at Superfund sites, and evaluation of a number of other unsaturated zone models. The screening level models...

Simulation of Contaminant Migration Under Conditions of Declining Ground Water Levels
A ground water flow and transport model was developed to simulate the migration of contaminants originating from an industrial site. The development and calibration of the model were based...

3D-Simulation of the Twin Lake Tracer Test
The 1983 Twin Lake tracer test was simulated using a three-dimensional finite element model. The model was calibrated comparing calculated and measured piezometric heads as well as vertical...

Augmented TINFLOW: A Deterministic Runoff Model with a Stochastic Rainfall Input
Augmented TINFLOW consists of a deterministic runoff model based on a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) description of a watershed. The rainfall input is created by simulating convective...

Real-Time Forecast and Its Use for Bradley Lake Project
A forecast model was developed to assist the project operator to make a realistic prediction of lake inflow and to optimize the water usage in Bradley Lake which has an active storage...

Reservoir Regulation and Real-Time Models for Trinity River Flood Prevention and Control
After unprecedented flooding from the Spring of 1989 through 1991 in the Trinity River basin, the Texas legislature allocated funds for flood related studies in Senate Bill 1543 (1991)....

Streamflow Forecasting for the Bradley Lake Project
The National Weather Service (NWS) uses a suite of software called NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) for operational river stage and streamflow forecasting. NWSRFS is a modular system...

Modeling Contaminant Migration from an Unlined Pond
A hybrid one-dimensional (1-D) vertical model coupled with a two-dimensional (2-D) aquifer model was applied to study the fate and transport of arsenic, fluoride, and orthophosphate resulting...

Protection of a 700-GPM Municipal Well Field with a 10-GPM Barrier Well: An Update After 8 Years of Remediation
In December 1978, a municipal well field developed by the Town of Acton, Massachusetts was shut down because of contamination by 1,1-dichloroethylene. Chemicals and process wash water...

Pumping or Slurry Walls?Which Works Best for Groundwater Containment?
Results of a numerical optimization model capable of designing containment systems for sites with three-dimensional groundwater flow indicate that site hydrogeology and economic considerations...

Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Planning Issues
Pennsylvania counties are responsible for basinwide stormwater management planning under the Stormwater Management Act of 1978. The predominant engineering technique employed within these...





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