Numerical Analysis of Flexible Culverts in Layered Soils
The deformation of flexible culverts is analysed using the finite element method as tool. Results of calculations for installation, traffic and time dependent loads are presented for culverts...

Bridges Under Surveillance
Although bridge monitoring is still in its infancy, research, pilot studies and field work are underway across the country. While today it's still a pie-in-the-sky goal, the...

An Example of Privately Funded Project
The paper discusses the proposal of the Syndicat des Transports Parisiens, the local authority in charge of Public Transports in the Paris region, to ask private firms to implement without...

Raingage Network Resolution With Spatial Statistics
Spatial and temporal resolution of rainfall are studied using cross-correlation techniques. The cross-correlation coefficient is used in a semi-variogram type analysis to determine the...

SLURP: A Watershed Model for Satellite Data
A study is being conducted to determine the utility of satellite data for hydrologic modelling in different physiographic and climatic zones of Canada. As part of that study, a simple...

Chaotic Characteristics of Snowmelt Runoff: A Preliminary Study
Chaos, the study of nonlinear dynamic systems, offers a way of observing order in systems previously thought to be random. In this study, we analyze snowmelt runoff from a small watershed...

Method to Predict Cropland Ephemeral Gully Erosion
Erosion of farmlands due to concentrate flow is very severe on many unprotected fields across the county. Small channels can you in large gullies of not controlled. These small channels...

Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Watershed Model: Hydrologic and Erosion Calculations
The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) watershed model is a distributed continuous simulation model developed to compute the spatial and temporal distribution of erosion and deposition...

Assessing Nonpoint Pollution Potential of Surface Waters Using a Geographic Information System
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the susceptibility of surface waters to nonpoint pollution is described. The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)...

Morphology and Roughness in the Hydraulics of Large Bed Element Channels
The evolution of natural steep channels is a function of two factors in accordance with the principle of least action: flow distribution in the channel and terrain geomorphology. Large...

Sediment Production from Forest Roads with Wheel Ruts
Artificial rainfall was applied to two sets of paired plots 30.5 m long by 1.52 m wide, each set on a different soil type. One plot in each set contained a wheel rut while the other did...

Precipitation Variability Effects on Modeled Soil Water Deficits
Effective management of forages in steep Appalachian pastures requires an understanding of hydrologic and microclimatic processes on the area. This study was conducted to determine the...

Predicting Overland Flow Response: Effects of Spatially-Varying Soil Properties
A physically-based model of Horton overland flow is applied to experimental data from a simulated rainfall event in eastern Washington. The model employs the Green-Ampt infiltration equation...

Validation of Hydrophysical Components of a One-Dimensional Lake Model
A dynamic one-dimensional lake model has been developed in alternative structures, MINLAKE and FRMPND, for water-quality control strategies and lake eutrophication studies. Hydrophysical...

Understanding Delivery Performance Before Rehabilitation
In the initial stages of project formulation, decisions are made regarding the method for allocating water, and the method for physically distributing water. Any major rehabilitation effort...

Field Calibration of Neutron Gauges: SCS Method
Field calibration of neutron gauges is easy and requires very little time under normal circumstances. Special soil sampling equipment is required that can be fabricated by most machine...

Deep Percolation, Drainage and Water Quality
The purpose of this study is to illustrate and and qualitatively describe results of steady and transient numerical simulations examining the influence of drain spacing and depth on shallow...

Improvements to Mapping of Alluvial Fan Flooding
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is responsible for identifying floodplains for the National Flood Insurance Program, is working to refine its assistance to engineers...

Process-Based Debris-Flow Prediction Method
This paper briefly identifies problems with traditional approaches to debris-flow prediction and presents a simplified process-based model (Williams and others, 1988) to accomplish the...

Olancha Debris Flow: An Example of an Isolated Damaging Event
This paper presents the case history of an isolated flood/debris flow that damaged the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Aqueduct and threatened serious damage to U.S....





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