Boundary Shear Stress in a Meandering Channel
Longitudinal and transverse velocity, bed shear, and water surface elevation were studied in a fixed-bed, meandering, laboratory channel with naturally varying, non-prismatic cross sectional...

Using Microcomputers for Groundwater Flow Analysis
Micro-computers offer an effective and efficient method for rapid and comprehensive analyses of groundwater flow. There are now numerous codes which have been developed specifically for...

Frazil Ice Control Using Air Guns
The design of the J. H. Campbell, Unit 3, Cooling Water Intake in the late 1970's used some new ideas and concepts in response to a strong concern for fish protection at a...

Laboratory Studies for the J. H. Campbell, Unit No. 3, Cooling Water Intake Design
A three-year study sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation was conducted to determine the overall efficiency of a full-scale angled screen demonstration facility...

Streamflow Monitoring with Ultrasonic Recorders
In September 1983, four new streamflow monitoring sites were established in a west Chestnut Ridge catchment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ultrasonic level/flow recorders were used...

Embankment Overtopping Tests to Evaluate Damage
The paper reports on studies of embankments 6 ft high, 10 to 22 ft in crest width, and 3 ft in length, with slope varying from 2:1 to 4:1. Embankment surfaces include pavement, grass,...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Secondary Circulation Data Acquisition System
A computerized field data collection system was developed for a project investigating secondary circulation in natural rivers. The instrumentation includes a Commodore mini-computer with...

Electronic Worksheet Applications in Hydrology and Hydraulics
Spreadsheet software packages are available for virtually all micro computers in use today. Although they are quite often thought of as business tools, their usefulness as engineering...

A Low-Cost, Microcomputer-Based Field Data Acquisition System
This paper discusses the selection and development of a micro-computer-based data acquisition system used for collecting aquifer test data. Primary components of the data collection system...

Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition Systems
The application of microprocessor-based data acquisition systems to laboratory experiments and field tests is discussed. The importance of the system design and hardware selection is emphasized....

Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation
For a confined, sandy aquifer, the dependence of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity on the vertical coordinate has been measured using single-well tracer injection/recovery experiments....

Instrumentation for an Uplifting Ice Force Model
Pile-supported, light duty structures are especially vulnerable to the uplifting forces. To evaluate the parameters that control the magnitude of the uplifting force a laboratory model...

Littoral Environment Observation Program
This paper presents a method for determining the longitudinal, transverse, and vertical dispersivities of a thick aquifer for a free convection tracer test using only measurements from...

Ground-water Modeling on Small Computers: Past, Present, and Future
The paper reports on research that concerns the possible development of numerical models being able to simulate practical cases of Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in soils. Such models can...

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...

Nonlinear Macroscopic Finite Element Model for Masonry Walls
A macroscopic finite element model which includes both transverse shear effects and nonlinearity due to cracking has been developed for masonry. These features are accommodated using a...

Shear Design of Masonry Walls
The paper presents a summary of a research project carried out at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich to develop a design method based on the ultimate strength of masonry...

Wall/Floor-Slab Interaction in Brickwork Structures
The paper summarises the results of three series of tests on sections of brickwork structure carried out with a view to determining the characteristics of wall/floor slab joints in terms...

Shear Stresses in Composite Masonry Walls
The behavior of composite masonry walls subjected to inplane loads is a subject that has received little attention during the last few years. The small amount of experimental and analytical...





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