Strip Mine Reclamation Using Dredged Material
This alternative was investigated through the creation of a field study to demonstrate the feasibility of using a cover of dewatered dredged material to reclaim surface mine deposits....

Sediment Recycling for Beach Nourishment, Sandy Hook, N.J.
Maintenance dredging of Ambrose and Sandy Hook Navigation Channels provided acceptable sand for nourishment of the critical zone at Sandy Hook, Gateway National Recreation Area, to protect...

Sediment Resuspension Due to Dredging and Storms: An Analogous Pair
The physics of resuspension is represented by the response of the sediment to an applied stress, either dredging operations or storm winds. In either case, once the sediments are mixed...

Effects of Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal on Fisheries Resources in the New York State Barge Canal
The New York State Department of Transportation initiated a study in the summer of 1982 in the New York State Barge (Erie) Canal in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y. The purpose of the...

Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...

Settling of Dredged Material Slurries
Most environmental engineers, accustomed to dealing with clarification of suspensions containing approximately 150 mg/1, find it difficult to comprehend dredged material slurries, in which...

Improved Techniques for Removal of Sediments Contaminated with Hazardous Materials
Realizing the need to improve the capabilities of response personnel in dealing with cleanup operations involving contaminated sediments, the U. S. Coast Guard and the U. S. Environmental...

Environmental Legislation Impact on the Port of New York and New Jersey
Environmental legislation since 1972 has resulted in an extensive evaluation of dredged material disposal alternatives for New York Harbor navigation projects. Consideration has been given...

The Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs
The major programs addressing environmental effects of dredging and disposal that have been or are being conducted by the Corps since 1973 are: Dredged Material Research Program, Dredging...

Fundamentals of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminated dredged material disposed in subaqueous sites may be chemically and biologically isolated by covering or capping with a layer of clean material. The capping concept is simple;...

PCB Contaminated Sediments from Petit-de-Grat, Canada
In Canada, ocean disposal of dredged materials is regulated by the Ocean Dumping Control Act. Included within the schedules of regulated substances are organochlorine compounds, such as...

Confined Disposal Area for Port Hueneme Harbor, Calif.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for maintenance of harbors along the Coast of California from Morro Bay Harbor to San Diego Harbor. As part of this...

Alternative Upland Disposal Techniques for Dredged Material in Urban Areas
The project involves the dredging and disposal of 750,000 cubic yards of soft organic silts from a 32 mile long manmade Canal that tranverses through Central New Jersey and is known as...

Effects of Fines in Gravel Bed Streams Behavior
A model-gravel bed stream is studied in the laboratory. Flow visualization of bedload motion correlates with bursting phenomena near the bed. The bedload variation as a result of the addition...

Development of Response Plans for Toxic Spills
A plan is proposed for managing the response to a toxic spill into a river system and the minimization of its effects on water utilities, industry and the environment. As technical aids...

Numerical Simulation of the Bed Armoring Process
The stability of a river channel depends to a great extent on sediment characteristics. If the amount of sediment coming into a given reach for some reason becomes less than the river's...

Willow Creek Dam--To Be or Not To Be
In Heppner, Oregon, several alternatives for flood control were considered. A concrete gravity dam constructed using roller compaction methods was selected because of the greatly reduced...

Pipe Spillway Plunge Pool Design Equations
An equation is given to determine if scour holes will beach and widen excessively. For nonbeaching scour holes, dimensionless equations are given for the progression of scour with time...

Avoiding Cavitation Damage to Hydraulic Structures
Cavitation damage often may be avoided by not allowing cavities to form. Where boundaries are not deeply submerged, their shape must be exactly correct, irregularities must be very small,...

Leaching Analysis of Coal Mine Spoil Material
Arch Mineral Corporation has conducted a column leaching study to analyze the leaching characteristics of surface coal mine spoil material in order to predict post-mining groundwater quality....





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