Japan and China: Competition and Opportunity
This paper describes changes in the international construction marketplace over the past decade. Japan has emerged as the second largest international contracting force in the world, and...

Health Hazards Associated with Asbestos Exposure: Implication for the Construction Industry
The paper presents some asbestos diseases: lung cancer, mesothelioma; gastrointestinal cancers; asbestosis. A historical perspective of asbestos-related diseases is given. The occupational...

Burlington Cable-Stayed Bridge
The Burlington cable-stayed bridge will carry US34 over the Mississippi River from Burlington, Iowa to Gulfport, Illinois. There will be two 12-ft lanes in each direction plus an acceleration...

Quincy Bayview Bridge?Construction Control
A cable-stayed bridge crossing the Mississippi River at Quincy, Illinois, was completed in August 1987. The structure includes twin concrete towers and a hybrid deck section. The cable...

Application of Bayesian Methods to a Geotechnical Site Investigation in Mississippi
In 1981, the Army Corps of Engineers constructed an ammunition storage area at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. This storage area is part of the Mississippi Army Ammunition Plant (MSAAP). Prior...

Prediction of Concrete Creep and Shrinkage by Sampling on the Basis of Correlated Random Material Parameters
There are many random parameters which influence creep and shrinkage of concrete. In all of the previous probabilistic studies the parameters are assumed to be mutually independent random...

Reliability of Geotechnical Systems Considering Geological Anomaly
Anomaly statistics at a given site are first assessed through Bayesian methodology on the basis of site exploration data. Several methods may be then used to incorporate the anomaly uncertainties...

Rehabilitation of Highway Bridges: Design and Operational Considerations
The design of a rehabilitation of a bridge which must maintain some lanes of traffic requires special consideration of construction procedures and traffic control, which are discussed...

An Intelligent Design Support System for Computer-Aided Site Development
This research proposes an intelligent design support system (DSS) integrated with a CAD environment for building site planning and development. The DSS is used for providing a good initial...

An Investigation into Causes of Bank Caving
A series of investigations into bank caving along the Ohio River are described. These investigations include a study of the distribution of precipitation in the study region, derivation...

Resolution of Conflicts in Superfund Site Cleanups
In this paper, we present the typical sequence of tasks involved in the cleanup of a Superfund site under current regulations and guidance. We then pinpoint the areas where conflicts arise...

Lessons to be Learned from Lafayette Tennessee's Small Diameter Sewer System
Lafayette, Tennessee's septic tank effluent, small diameter gravity sewer (SDGS) system is believed to have been the first such project to be funded by the United States Environmental...

Vacuum Sewers: Construction and Operating Experience
As an alternative to conventional collection, the vacuum system has many advantages. Smaller diameter pipes, shallower trenches and the ability to make vertical and horizontal field changes...

Alternating Direction Oxidation Ditches?A Cost Saving Technology from Denmark
A soon to be released EPA report claims that in Denmark, small alternating direction oxidation ditches (ADOD) save as much as 70% of the cost for conventional oxidation ditches. The alternating...

The Development of a Design for a Breakwater at Keflavik, Iceland
A breakwater design was developed to be built using local quarried rock and relatively simple construction methods. The design significant wave height was 5.8 and the maximum depth of...

The Design and Construction of a Mass Armoured Breakwater at Hay Point, Australia
The design and construction of a prototype mass armored breakwater is briefly described. The paper also explores the practicality of allowing the progressive interaction of design, physical...

Water Power '87
The 1980's have been characterized as an era of uncertainty for world energy including future demand for energy, fuel prices and availability, regulatory constraints, environmental...

Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Specifications for Masonry Structures
The proposed Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Structures presented in this book were developed by the Joint American Concrete Institute, American Society of Civil...

Take Back the Land
Municipal sludge applied to land devastated by strip mining has brought thousands of acres of Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania land back to life. After two years of testing at a Palmerton,...

EPA: Siting Permanent Solutions
EPA's SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation) program is entering its third year. It is designed to speed up hazardous waste treatment technology. The program helps...





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