Emergency Shore Protection
Emergency shore protection usually requires design and construction to be completed in a 2 to 3 week period. Emergency shore protection measures at Surfside and Ventura, California required...

Assessment of Beach Nourishment Methodoliogies
Although artificial beach nourishment has become a common practice for mitigating beach erosion in the U. S. , it lacks clear rationales for achieving optimum benefits. Four recent large-volume...

Athens Siphon and Outfall
More than 130 million gallons of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater are discharged each day into the sea near Athens. To mitigate this situation, the government of Greece is...

Earthen Liners for Land Disposal Facilities
Proper construction of compacted earthen liners requires special attention to construction details and quality assurance. Moisture content and weight of roller are probably the two most...

Impact of Current Regulations on Geotechnical Practice
Enactment of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which was intended to provide 'cradle to grave' management of hazardous waste, has caused a greater...

Slurry Trench Construction?Collier Road Landfill
The owner of an existing solid waste landfill has undertaken several measures to contain and recover near-surface groundwater at the site, including capping of the site with cohesive soil,...

Plastic Concrete Cutoff Walls
The studies revealed that plastic concrete can be prepared having a coefficient of hydraulic conductivity that is less than 1 multiplied by 10** minus **7 cm/sec. The shear strength of...

Influential Factors in Soil Liner Construction for Waste Disposal Facilities
Those factors most influential in the construction of a soil liner to meet a permeability performance standard of 1 multiplied by 10-7 centimeters per second (cm/sec) are identified and...

Evaluation of Compacted Inert Paper Solids as a Cover Material
The following paper presents the results of a laboratory test program which focused on compacted sludges or inert paper solids (IPS) as recommended cover (cap) material over existing IPS...

Embankment Over Fly Ash Pond at Portsmouth Power Station
The fly ash and bottom ash sediments from the Portsmouth Power Station in Portsmouth, Virginia were being sluiced into a 39 acre diked ash pond near the plant. The plant was about to convert...

Conversion of a Reservoir Into a Landfill Site
The Writer is acting as a geotechnical consultant during the conversion of a disused water reservoir into a landfill site for domestic and industrial refuse. The site developer had no...

Timber Bulkheads
Timber bulkhead design and construction methods are presented in this publication for consideration by the engineering profession. Included are papers on an analytical method for the design...

Temporary Structures in Construction Operations
Temporary works have a primary influence on the quality, safety, speed and profitability of all construction projects. They provide access, support and protection of a facility under construction....

Energy Solutions Today for the Nineties
Optimal use of energy resources requires intelligent planning by all segments of society, especially the technical disciplines. Civil engineers play a key role in developing energy resources...

Foundations and Excavations in Decomposed Rock of the Piedmont Province
The five papers in this volume deal with foundations and excavations in the Piedmont Province of the USA. This is a region underlain by very old metamorphic rocks that are overlain by...

Making Embassies Safe for Democracy
American interests overseas have become among the most popular targets for terrorist attacks. Once, not long ago, security was only an afterthought for such facilities. Today, $4.4 billion...

Spanning the Seas
A proposed structural scheme, called the V�tower system, could cross vast stretches of water with record length spans yet use only conventional materials. An example is a bridge proposed...

Little Bubbles, Big Payoff
Fine poor diffusers often boost the energy-efficiency of aeration in sewage plants by 25-50%. This is important because the combined energy bill of all U.S. municipal sewage plants is...

Wastewater Technology Innovation for the Year 2000
The present state of wastewater technology research is on a decline because of shrinking funds. A national effort by professionals in all sectors of the wastewater establishment is encouraged...

Computer Scheduling: On-Line and On-Time
The Intermountain Power Plant, a coal fired, 761 MW coal fired electrica generating facility, has been completed months ahead of schedule and substantially under budget. Project managers...





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