Bentonite Matting in Composite Lining Systems
The 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to RCRA mandated that double lining systems utilizing synthetic membrane liners be required for hazardous waste landfills. Recognizing the...

Timber Bulkheads
Timber bulkhead design and construction methods are presented in this publication for consideration by the engineering profession. Included are papers on an analytical method for the design...

Temporary Structures in Construction Operations
Temporary works have a primary influence on the quality, safety, speed and profitability of all construction projects. They provide access, support and protection of a facility under construction....

Foundations and Excavations in Decomposed Rock of the Piedmont Province
The five papers in this volume deal with foundations and excavations in the Piedmont Province of the USA. This is a region underlain by very old metamorphic rocks that are overlain by...

Making Embassies Safe for Democracy
American interests overseas have become among the most popular targets for terrorist attacks. Once, not long ago, security was only an afterthought for such facilities. Today, $4.4 billion...

Spanning the Seas
A proposed structural scheme, called the V�tower system, could cross vast stretches of water with record length spans yet use only conventional materials. An example is a bridge proposed...

Computer Scheduling: On-Line and On-Time
The Intermountain Power Plant, a coal fired, 761 MW coal fired electrica generating facility, has been completed months ahead of schedule and substantially under budget. Project managers...

Lawyer on a Microchip
Construction in the 1980s have become a complex, high stakes, intensely competitive business. For architects and engineers involved, the prospect of lawsuits has grown tremendously. An...

Expert Systems for Risk Analysis
An explanation is presented on why construction risk analysis can be handled by an expert system computer program. The author offers a prototype construction risk management expert system...

Building Frame Analysis in Basic
Moment distribution has, for the past 30 years, been the most popular method of analysis for statically indeterminate structures. Programmed in Basic for the microcomputer with relative...

Stepped Spillway Design with a RCC Dam
The hydraulic model study results for the Upper Stillwater stepped spillway design are presented. The studies encompassed several spillway geometries and design unit discharges ranging...

Rehabilitation of Williams Bridge Dam
Pennsylvania Gas and Water Company initiated construction work to upgrade the 90-year old dam in order to meet current dam safety standards with emphasis on satisfying Probable Maximum...

Modification of Meander Pattern Using Wing Dams
A sharp river bend and a highway bridge together create potentially hazardous conditions for all down-bound barge tows on the Mississippi River at Lansing, Iowa. The tendency of the river...

Reducing Maintenance Costs of Irrigation Systems
Reducing the costs of maintaining an irrigation water delivery system is becoming more important as the financial problems of the irrigators become more critical. The maintenance costs...

The Animas-La Plata Project Cost Sharing Agreement
The United States Congress required a cost-sharing agreement between the project beneficiaries and the Federal government. Under this agreement of June 30, 1986, the project will be constructed...

Future Directions on World Bank Irrigation Projects in India
Irrigation development in India is proceeding at a record rate and will continue for several decades. Experience, however, is showing that future directions must entail substantive emphasis...

Economic Benefit of Irrigation on Beef Ranches
Drought can result in forage shortages leading to possible liquidation of the breeding herd. Liquidation is often at depressed prices, and replacement may be at elevated prices. In this...

The Inflatable Weir and Its Widespread Employment for Irrigation in Japan
Although introduced in the U. S. in the 1950's for groundwater recharging, the inflatable weir has become established only in Japan, in which case it is used almost entirely...

Garbage: Cogeneration's Third Dimension
Burning garbage or refuse derived fuels (RDF) is becoming more common in cogeneration plants being constructed in the U.S. The three-for-one concept turns one fuel into two products (steam...

Nuclear Waste Disposal: Where Are We?
The U.S. Department of Energy is conducting preliminary site characterizations for three candidates for nuclear waste disposal. The sites are in three different geologic sites. A Richland,...





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