Sediment Recycling for Beach Nourishment, Sandy Hook, N.J.
Maintenance dredging of Ambrose and Sandy Hook Navigation Channels provided acceptable sand for nourishment of the critical zone at Sandy Hook, Gateway National Recreation Area, to protect...
Dredging in a Stratified Estuary
Grays Harbor is a moderately stratified estuary on the Washington coast. During the summer of 1983, while hopper dredges worked the upper reaches of the estuary, extensive water quality...
Alaskan Harbor Plan Features to Reduce Dredging Costs
The high cost of construction and maintenance of harbors in remote rural areas of Alaska has provided unique challenges to coastal engineers and harbor planners in designing affordable...
Development of the Dredging Wheel
The 'bucket line' dredge and 'cutter suction' dredge are two distinct types of equipment. The cutter suction system has developed more...
Soil Analysis and Dredging
Analysis of soils before dredging can make or break a dredging project. It is seldom possible to obtain all of the information needed for selecting equipment and estimate outputs. The...
Sediment Resuspension Due to Dredging and Storms: An Analogous Pair
The physics of resuspension is represented by the response of the sediment to an applied stress, either dredging operations or storm winds. In either case, once the sediments are mixed...
Effects of Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal on Fisheries Resources in the New York State Barge Canal
The New York State Department of Transportation initiated a study in the summer of 1982 in the New York State Barge (Erie) Canal in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y. The purpose of the...
Capped In-Water Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material
The Seattle District and the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, Mississippi, are cooperating in a field demonstration study to evaluate the effectiveness...
An Application of Acoustic Core Analysis
This technique has shown itself to be extremely successful at Roberts Bank, in a highly variable bottom material, where shallow depths were not a significant problem, and some borehole...
Settling of Dredged Material Slurries
Most environmental engineers, accustomed to dealing with clarification of suspensions containing approximately 150 mg/1, find it difficult to comprehend dredged material slurries, in which...
Selecting a Dredge Pump
While it is not necessary for the dredge operator to know how to design a dredge pump, the ability to select one that meets his project requirements is essential to insure the success...
A New Laser Range/Azimuth Position Fixing System
The ATLAS POLARFIX is an entirely new dynamic position-fixing system for short-range, large scale surveys. It is a range/azimuth laser-based system using only a single shore-based tracking...
A Comparison of Seven Lake Dredging Projects
Over the past decade, dredging has been increasingly recognized as one method for restoring some of the country's numerous eutrophic lakes. While certainly not appropriate...
Cooperative Maintenance Dredging: a Strategy for Small Harbors
In a response to the continuing overall significance of harbor activities and the recognition of less than optimal existing harbor maintenance procedures, the feasibility of a cooperative...
Improved Techniques for Removal of Sediments Contaminated with Hazardous Materials
Realizing the need to improve the capabilities of response personnel in dealing with cleanup operations involving contaminated sediments, the U. S. Coast Guard and the U. S. Environmental...
The Experience of the St. Paul District Corps of Engineers, with State Coordination of Dredging Activities
The St. Paul District annually dredges about 1 million cubic yards of predominately clean sandy river sediments. Most of this volume comes from our maintenance of 284 miles of the 9-foot...
Environmental Legislation Impact on the Port of New York and New Jersey
Environmental legislation since 1972 has resulted in an extensive evaluation of dredged material disposal alternatives for New York Harbor navigation projects. Consideration has been given...
After Industry Capability Program
This paper presents information on the dredging work split between the government and industry since the end of the Industry Capability Program (ICP) in Fiscal Year 1981. A long-term look...
Sediment Resuspension from Dredging Activities
Dredges are a logical choice for removing contaminated sediments from our Nation's waterways. Historically, the dredging industry has emphasized increased production in an...
Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...
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