Wave Exciting Forces on a Platform Fixed in Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves
This paper presents the result of an experimental observation of cnoidal waves and the nonlinear wave loads on a fixed barge in a 2-dimensional wave tank. The Ursell numbers of the waves...

Broadside Current Forces on Moored Ships
A method of estimating the static lateral current force on ships in deep and finite depth water is presented for the case of the current broadside to the ship. The method is based on recent...

Feasibility Study of Petroleum Development in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
This paper discusses the viability of Antarctic petroleum development and estimates when Antarctic oil production could become economically feasible. The analysis is based on a hypothetical...

Wave Effects on Offshore Structures?Some Recent Research
The present paper summarizes methods of estimating wave effects on offshore structures, and highlights a selection of recent related research. Initially, certain aspects relating to the...

Probability of Wave Force on Horizontal Members
This study is motivated by the works of Isaacson and Subbiah (1990) to evaluate the vertical wave force on a rigid horizontal member located in the vicinity of still water level with its...

Reliable Design-Wave Force Predictions for Seabed Pipelines
The results of three separate field research projects have been pulled together to provide a design formula for maximum wave-induced horizontal force on a submarine pipe. This broadly-applicable...

Static Wave Force Procedure for Platform Design
Since results from the Ocean Test Structure were presented at Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV in 1979, there have been numerous laboratory experiments and a few full-scale measurements...

The U.S. Naval Facilities Offshore Platform Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation Program
The Department of Defense (DOD) owns many offshore platforms in various worldwide locations. These platforms are presently being utilized for training and long term research and development...

Cyclic Behavior of a Deepwater Normally Consolidated Clay
A comprehensive advanced laboratory testing program was undertaken to study the cyclic behavior of clays under various combinations of one-way and two-way cyclic loading. This work was...

Wave Slamming on a Horizontal Circular Cylinder
The present paper describes an experimental study of the wave slamming force on a horizontal circular cylinder located near the free surface. The vertical force on a cylinder and the corresponding...

A New Concrete Armor Unit for Breakwaters: The Beta Block
The aim of this paper, is to present a new artificial block for the protection of breakwaters. This armor unit, named BETA, has been designed and tested in the Coasts and Harbors Studies...

Stability of Accropode(R) and Comparison with Parallelepipedic Block
This paper describes the tests which were performed on physical models with irregular waves, to determine the hydraulic stability of the Accropode(R)...

Experimental Research on Groyne Stability Under Very Oblique Wave Action
Most of the experimental research concerning the stability of coastal structures is focused on normal wave incidence. However, many of these structures are subject to waves which run predominantly...

Mobile-Bed Physical Model Tests for the 1992 Olympic Harbour
The undistorted physical model is described which allowed the measurement of the wave induced velocity field along the main breakwater, and also in Somorrostro Beach (Barcelona). The current...

The Physiography and Engineering Constraints of the Continental Slope in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico
The emplacement of structures on the seafloor has always been difficult but until recently, few knew just how difficult possible construction on the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Continental...

Boston's City within a City
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority's 11-year effort to clean up Boston Harbor is in full swing. The nerve center of the project is Deer Island, a 210 acre site that...

The Great Chicago Flood of 1992
In April of 1992, a breach in a freight tunnel caused the river that flows through Chicago to pour into city building basements, causing the city to shut down. Critical utility systems...

Dome Over Orlando
The article describes Orlando's new City Hall, a 267,000 sq ft nine-story reinforced concrete tower, clad in granite-aggregate precast concrete panels and topped by a 120...

PS 5 Sewage Lagoon Embankment Stabilization
In 1981 an embankment containing a three-cell wastewater treatment lagoon was constructed adjacent to the northern edge of the Pump Station 5 gravel pad on the Trans Alaska Pipeline System....

Winter Sewer Construction in Campbell Lake
This paper discusses the winter construction for replacement of the Campbell Lake portion of the Campbell Creek C-5 Trunk (C-5 Trunk) located in Anchorage, Alaska (see Figure 1). A previous...





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